Std: Zamknij aktywne okno

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Std: Zamknij aktywne okno

Lokalizacja w menu
Plik → Zamknij
Środowisko pracy
Domyślny skrót
Wprowadzono w wersji
Zobacz także
Zamknij wszystkie okna


Polecenie Zamknij aktywne okno zamyka aktywne okno. Aby zamknąć dokument, wszystkie jego okna muszą być zamknięte.


  1. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Select the File → Close option from the menu.
    • Use the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+F4.
  2. To close a document: repeat this for all windows belonging to it.
  3. When closing the last window of a document that has not been saved, a dialog box will prompt you to save it:
    • Press the Save button to save the document. If required enter a filename first.
    • Press the Discard button to discard the document and lose all changes.


  • When the dialog box is displayed: press Esc or the Cancel button to abort the command.


  • The command can only close docked windows.
  • A document can also be closed by right-clicking it in the Tree view and selecting Close document from the context menu.


  • The last used file location is stored: Tools → Edit parameters... → BaseApp → Preferences → General → FileOpenSavePath.


See also: FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

To close a document use the closeDocument method of the FreeCAD application. For a scripting example see Std New.