Std: Zamknij wszystkie okna

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Std: Zamknij wszystkie okna

Lokalizacja w menu
Plik → Zamknij wszystkie
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The Std CloseAllWindows command closes all windows, thereby closing all documents.


  1. Select the File → Close All option from the menu.
  2. If there are unsaved documents a dialog box will prompt you to save them:
    • Press the Save button to save the active document. If required enter a filename first.
    • Press the Discard button to discard the active document and lose all changes.


  • When the dialog box is displayed: press Esc or the Cancel button to abort the command.
  • If there are multiple unsaved documents: check the Apply answer to all checkbox to avoid being prompted for each unsaved document separately.


  • A document can also be closed by right-clicking it in the Tree view and selecting Close document from the context menu.


  • The last used file location is stored: Tools → Edit parameters... → BaseApp → Preferences → General → FileOpenSavePath.


See also: FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

To close a document use the closeDocument method of the FreeCAD application. For a scripting example see Std New.