Std: Dostosuj

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 06:58, 8 January 2023 by Kaktus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Caption|Okienko dialogowe Dostosowywanie interfejsu}}")

Std: Dostosuj

Lokalizacja w menu
Przybory → Dostosuj ...
Środowisko pracy
Domyślny skrót
Wprowadzono w wersji
Zobacz także
Dostosowywanie interfejsu użytkownika


Polecenie Dostosuj otwiera okno dialogowe Dostosuj dając dostęp do kilku opcji ustawień.

Okienko dialogowe Dostosowywanie interfejsu


  1. The commands available in the Customize dialog box depend on the workbenches that have been loaded in the current FreeCAD session. So you should first load all workbenches whose commands you want to have access to.
  2. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Select the Tools → Customize... option from the menu.
    • Right-click a toolbar area and choose Customize... from the context menu.
  3. The Customize dialog box opens. For more information see Interface Customization.
  4. The Help button does not work at this time.
  5. Press the Close button to close the dialog box.