Rysunek Roboczy: DXF

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Rysunek Roboczy: DXF

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FreeCAD and DXF Import, FreeCAD and DWG Import


Draft DXF jest modułem oprogramowania używanym przez polecenia Otwórz, Importuj i . Eksportuj do obsługi formatu pliku DXF.

Qcad drawing exported to DXF, which is subsequently opened in FreeCAD


The importer has two modes, settable under Edit -> Preferences -> Import/Export -> DXF: One is built-in, C++-based and fast, the other is legacy, coded in Python, slower, and requires the installation of an add-on, but can sometimes handle some entities better and can create more refined FreeCAD objects. Both support all DXF versions starting from R12.

3D objects inside a DXF file are stored under a binary ACIS/SAT blob, which at the moment cannot be read by FreeCAD. Simpler entities like 3DFACEs, though, are supported.

The following DXF objects can be imported:

  • lines
  • polylines (and lwpolylines)
  • circles
  • arcs
  • splines
  • ellipses
  • layers
  • texts and mtexts
  • dimensions
  • blocks (only geometry. texts, dimensions and attributes inside blocks will be skipped)
  • points
  • leaders
  • paper space objects


Files are exported in the R14 DXF format which can be handled by many applications.

The following FreeCAD objects can be exported:

  • all of FreeCAD's 2D geometry such as Draft objects or sketches
  • 3D objects are exported as a flattened 2D view
  • Compound objects are exported as blocks
  • texts
  • colors are mapped from objects RGB colors to autocad color index (ACI). Black will always be "by layer"
  • layers are mapped from group names. When groups are nested, the deepest group gives the layer name.
  • dimensions, which are exported with "Standard" dimstyle.


Z powodów licencyjnych, wymagane biblioteki importu/eksportu DXF potrzebne dla starszej wersji importera, nie są częścią kodu źródłowego programu FreeCAD. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji zobacz stronę: FreeCAD i import DXF.


Aby uzyskać więcej informacji zobacz stronę Ustawienia Importu i Eksportu.

Pisanie skryptów

Zobacz również: Skrypty dla środowiska Rysunek Roboczy oraz Podstawy tworzenia skryptów FreeCAD.

Elementy można eksportować do DXF za pomocą następującej funkcji:

importDXF.export(objectslist, filename, nospline=False, lwPoly=False)


import Draft, importDXF

Polygon1 = Draft.makePolygon(3, radius=500)
Polygon2 = Draft.makePolygon(5, radius=1500)

objects = [Polygon1, Polygon2]

importDXF.export(objects, "/home/user/Pictures/myfile.dxf")