FEM PostPipelineFromResult

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FEM PostPipelineFromResult

Menu location
Results → Post pipeline from result
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
FEM tutorial

* You need a valid result object in the Analysis container, such as CalculiX static results.


Pipeline is a result object, which creates a new graphical representation of FEM analysis results on the analysed part. It adds color scale and more display options.


  1. Select a result object
  2. Click button, or click on menu Results → Post Pipeline from result. A new object called "Pipeline" will be added to your analysis.
  3. Double-click the new Pipeline object in the tree view and select a display mode and the result field. For example for the mode Surface and the field Von Mises stress the pipeline will look like this:


This pipeline dialog has the following settings:

  • Mode: How to draw the results. The possible modes are
    • Outline: The outline of the result mesh. In fact is displays no results but only the borders of the mesh
    • Nodes: The result mesh nodes
    • Surface: This is the default and displays the surface of the result mesh.
    • Surface with Edges: Like Surface but with the mesh outline edges and the surface mesh node connection lines.
  • Field: Which result property to draw
  • Vector: Is only active if the Field is a vector. You can select whether to display the vector Magnitude or its X, Y, Z components.
  • If you see no model in the graphical area, go to and enable Edit → Preferences → Display → Rendering → Backlight color
  • If you double-click the scale, you can modify display properties.

  • Gradient: You can select reversed order of the default color gradient or either Black-White or White-Black.
  • Parameter range: Minimum and maximum values are filled-in automatically, when you select a property to evaluate on the Pipeline object; you can modify them, however make sure you know what you are doing. You can also amend number of displayed labels and number of decimal places to be displayed.


Once again, note, that the Pipeline representation of the results (called VTK) on the displayed part is different from the color gradient results which are visible when you finish solution. Values in the gradient scale cannot be applied to the solution result object.