FEM ElementGeometry1D

From FreeCAD Documentation

FEM ElementGeometry1D

Menu location
Model → Element Geometry → Beam cross section
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
FEM tutorial

CalculiX, Mystran, Z88


ElementGeometry1D is used to define cross sections for beam elements. Currently, the following types of cross sections are available: rectangular, circular and pipe.


  1. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the Beam cross section button.
    • Select the Model → Element Geometry → Beam cross section option from the menu.
  2. Choose the type of cross section and specify the necessary dimensions:
    • Rectangular: width and height,
    • Circular: diameter,
    • Pipe: outer diameter and thickness.
  3. Optionally, press the Add button in the task panel and then click on the edge you want to have a prescribed cross section. If the edge selection is free, all the remaining edges (whose cross section is not defined by other FEM ElementGeometry1D objects) will be automatically assigned.


  • DataSection Type: specifies the type of the beam section (Rectangular, Circular or Pipe)
  • DataCirc Diameter: diameter of circular section, used if DataSection Type is Circular
  • DataPipe Diameter: outer diameter of pipe section, used if DataSection Type is Pipe
  • DataPipe Thickness: thickness of pipe section, used if DataSection Type is Pipe
  • DataRect Height: height of rectangular section, used if DataSection Type is Rectangular
  • DataRect Width: width of rectangular section, used if DataSection Type is Rectangular


  • Other types of cross sections available in CalculiX (elliptical, box and general) are not currently supported. One can edit the input file to use them.


  • For viewing results from CalculiX solver on the mesh expanded to the prescribed cross section, property Beam Shell Result Output 3D in the FEM SolverCalculixCxxtools needs to be set to True.
  • Some sections require specific element types:
    • circular section - 2nd order elements
    • pipe section - 2nd order elements with reduced integration (introduced in version 1.0: reduced integration is enabled by default for beam elements and can be switched using the Beam Reduced Integration property of the CalculiX solver)
  • This feature uses the *BEAM SECTION card in CalculiX.