FEM ConstraintBodyHeatSource

From FreeCAD Documentation

FEM ConstraintBodyHeatSource

Menu location
Model → Thermal boundary conditions and loads → Body heat source
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
FEM tutorial

CalculiX, Elmer


Defines an internally generated body heat given in W/kg.

version 1.0 and above: Can also define the heat source in W.


  1. Press the Body heat source button or select Model → Thermal boundary conditions and loads → Body heat source from the menu.
  2. version 0.21 and above: Press the Add button. For a 3D analysis, select a 'solid' (body) from your model, for a 2D analysis select a face.
  3. Set the value:
    • version 0.20 and below: Since the tool has no task dialog, use the property editor and set the property DataHeat Source.
    • introduced in version 0.21: Enter the body heat in W/kg.
    • version 1.0 and above: Select the mode:
      • Dissipation Rate - enter the dissipation rate in W/kg .
      • Total Power - enter the total power in W.


  • version 0.20 and below: The body heat source is applied to the whole model, meaning all bodies of the setup. It is not possible to select an individual body.
  • version 0.21 and below: This feature only works with the Elmer solver.


  • For more information see this forum thread and following posts. This thread may also be useful.
  • Elmer examples can also be found in Elmer GUI Tutorials.
  • version 1.0 and above: This feature uses the *DFLUX card in CalculiX.
  • version 1.0 and above: Since CalculiX expects body heat flux input in W/mm^3 while for Elmer it's W/kg, the conversion of the specified value (in W or W/kg) is done internally for each solver, using the volume of the selected solid and the density of the material assigned to it, if needed.