Rysunek Techniczny: Ustawienia

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Revision as of 19:41, 6 February 2020 by Kaktus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* '''Kąt projekcji''': 16px Grupa rzutów będzie używać projekcji pierwszego lub trzeciego kąta. Wyjaśnieni...")

Ekran preferencji TechDraw znajduje się w Edytor preferencji, Edycja → Preferencje → TechDraw.

Dostępne są dwie zakładki: TechDraw General i TechDraw Dimensions.

TechDraw General

File:TechDraw Preferences1.png

Informacje ogólne

Drawing Updates

introduced in version 0.19

  • Update With 3D: Whether or not pages are updated every time the 3D model is changed. This is a global policy setting.
  • Allow Page Override: Whether or not a page's Keep Update property can override the global Update With 3D parameter. This is a global policy setting.
  • Keep Page Up To Date: Keeps the drawing pages in sync with the 3D model in real time. This can slow the response time.


Setup of the default colors for new pages. Additionally there is an option:


  • Label Font: The name of the default font for labels.
  • Label Size: Default size for label text.
  • Editable Text Marker Size: Size of editable text marker in templates (green dots).


TechDraw Dimensions

File:TechDraw Preferences2.png


  • Show Units: append the unit specifier (mm, in, etc.) to values.
  • Use Global Decimals: use the number of decimal positions from Preferences → General → Units.
  • Alternate Decimals: if Use Global Decimals is unticked, use this number of decimal positions.
  • Format Spec: formats dimension text. Uses printf format specifier.
  • Font Size: size for Dimension Text.
  • Color: default color for Dimension text and lines.
  • Diameter Symbol: diameter dimensions will be prefixed by this text.
  • Arrow Style: choose the dimension line end mark you prefer.
  • Arrow Size: size of end mark in mm.
  • Dimensioning Standard and Style: default value for ISO/ASME style Dimensions.


Hidden Settings

Some preference settings are only accessible through the Parameter editor, Tools → Edit parameters.


  • CenterMarkScale: default scale factor for CenterMarks
  • ShowCenterMarks: default true/false
  • PrintCenterMarks: true/false show CenterMarks when printing (>= v0.19)


  • DefaultScale: initial setting of Page Scale introduced in version 0.19
  • EdgeFuzz: pick radius for Edges
  • MarkFuzz: pick radius for CenterMarks
  • SectionFuseFirst: fuse Source objects before performing Section cut
  • EdgeEndCap: shape of Edge ends 0x00 FlatCap, 0x10 SquareCap, 0x20 RoundCap (Qt::PenCapStyle) introduced in version 0.19


  • SectionFormat: section line style 0-ASME 1-ISO


  • WyrównaniePromienia: Format wymiaru promienia 0-ISO (wyrównany) 1-ASME (jednolity).