Basic Part Design Tutorial 019

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 16:25, 4 November 2022 by Onekk (talk | contribs) (→‎Features)
This documentation is a work in progress. Please don't mark it as translatable since it will change in the next hours and days.
Time to complete
Less than an hour
Carlo Dormeletti (onekk)
FreeCAD version
0.19 or higher
Example files
See also

This tutorial introduces the new user to some of the tools and techniques used in the PartDesign Workbench. This tutorial is not a complete and comprehensive guide to the Part Design Workbench and many of the tools and capabilities are not covered. This tutorial will take user through the steps needed to model the part shown in the image below using sketches.

Author Note: This tutorial is work in progress, in this state it is tested only with FreeCAD version 0.20.1 for Linux. Screenshots are made for 0.20.1 too, but it should work without big problems even on 0.19.

As soon I find someone to review it for 0.19 I will made appropriate remarks if necessary for v0.19

Before You Begin

The Task

In this tutorial, you will be using the Part Design Workbench to create a 3D solid model of the part shown in the Drawing below. All of the necessary dimensions to complete this task are given. You will start by creating a core shape from a base Sketch and then build on that shape, adding what is known as Features. These features will either add material to, or remove material from the solid by use of additional sketches and accompanying feature operations. This Tutorial will not use every feature and tool available within the Part Design Workbench, but should use enough to give the user of this tutorial a basic foundation upon which to build their knowledge and skills.

The Part

Constructing The Part


First begin by making sure you are in the Part Design Workbench. Once there, you will want to create a new document if you have not done so already. It is a good habit to save your work often, so before anything else save the new document, giving it any name you might like.

All work in Part Design begins with a Body. Then we will build the solid inside the body by starting with a sketch.

Click on Create new body to create and activate a new Body Container. Note: this step can be omitted. When creating a sketch, if no existing Body is found, a new one will be automatically created and activated.


You will create a base sketch, see maybe Sketcher WorkBench for a more detailed explanation of the terminology used here.

Workflow is following one of the many possible ways to make the design above.

This example will use some techniques described in Advice for creating stable models.

  1. master sketch
  2. Named constraints that could be easily reference by other Sketches to make the model parametric.
    Named constraints are used to hold a dimension in a way to make easy to reuse them across the model.
    This will permit as example to change model width from 53mm as in the technical drawing, to 55mm simply modify Length value of the appropriate named constraint in the mater sketch and having the whole model modify accordingly.
  3. External Geometries that could be subject to Topological Naming Problem, will be used only when stricly necessary and trying to refer stable elements.

Create Sketch

Fig: SK1
Fig: SK2

This section is about creating the master sketch, that simply hold the rectangle of the base and two named constraints:

  1. length that will contain 53mm that is the result of adding the 39mm plus the two 7mm "sides"
  2. width that will contain 26mm.

Here the steps:

  1. Click on Create new sketch. This will create the sketch within the just created body. It will be named Sketch.
  2. A dialog like Fig: SK1 will open in Tasks tab on which you have to choose on which plane sketch will be attached.
    1. Select XY_Plane in from the Combo view list.
    2. Press OK

      Note: it's possible that the OK button may not be visible if the side panel is not wide enough.
      You can make it wider by dragging its right border.
      Place your mouse pointer over the border; when the pointer changes to a two-way arrow, press and hold the left mouse button and drag.

  3. FreeCAD automatically:
    1. switches to Sketcher workbench
    2. opens the sketch in editing mode and you will see something like Fig: SK2.

Create the rectangle

File:Pd tut rect01.png
Fig: RS

Click on Rectangle tool and start creating a rectangle, to obtain something that resemble Fig: RS operate in this way:

  1. Create the rectangle roughly centered on Y axis but not with upper side laying on the X axis, if not Solver will automatically apply constraints that will create some problem later.
    Note: It is not important at this step to state exact dimensions, exact dimensions will be assigned using constraints in a later step.
  2. Press ESC, if not FreeCAD will remain in "rectangle creation" mode indicated by this cursor appearance and you will start creation of another rectangle.

Applying constraints

Horizontal constraint

Fig: HS1
Fig: HS2

Assign now horizontal distance constraint this way:

  1. Select the upper line as shown in Fig: HS1.
  2. Use button horizontal distance constraint this will make two things:
    1. A dimension will appear between extreme points of the line selected. This dimension is the actual dimension.
    2. Additionally a dialog will appear:
      dimension dialog
  3. Assign a Length = 53mm, and to be able to reference the dimension later a name is required as well: assign Name = length.
  4. Click OK.
  5. The result should resemble Fig: HS2

Symmetrical constraint

File:Pd tut rect edc.png
Fig: HS3
Fig: HS4

To center the rectangle, around Y axis proceed in this way:

  1. Select the top left corner and top right corner of the rectangle.
  2. Select the origin of the sketch.
    Note: selection order of the points is important.
    (Result will resemble Fig: HS3)
  3. Using Symmetric tool.
  4. You will end with something that resemble Fig: HS4.

Vertical constraint

File:Pd tut rect05.png
Fig: V1
Fig: V2

You have to assign a vertical distance constraint, the procedure is similar to what done for horizontal distance constraint

  1. Select the vertical line like in the image Fig: V1
  2. Click on vertical distance constraint and assign:
    1. Length = 26 mm
    2. Name = width.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Result must resemble Fig: V2.

Note a couple of things:

  1. Lines on sketch will change color assuming a "bright green" color. (If you use default color theme).
  2. Solver messages window is displaying Fully constrained.
  3. If you try to click on some line and try to drag them, they won't move.

Side Profile

You will create a new sketch that is holding the side profile.

Create the Sketch001

Click on Create new sketch. This will create the sketch within the just created body, and FreeCAD will assign the name of Sketch001.

When choosing the plane you will select YZ_Plane in the list and press OK:

Use the Polyline tool and make a shape roughly like that in Fig: SP1;

  1. Follow the order of point indicated in the image (It is not obtained using FreeCAD, but mimics decently the real appearance with default color theme).
  2. Exact shape is not important as like in the first sketch you will assign proper constraints later (see note about Constraints below).


  1. If you had checked Auto constraints in Edit controls window, some of these constraints will have been applied automatically, if not:
    Make sure that you have exited the Polyline tool by right-clicking or pressing ESC twice; the mouse cursor should turn back from a cross-hair to the standard arrow cursor. (Don't press ESC a third time or you will exit the sketch editing mode; if this happens, click on the Model tab, then double-click the Sketch element in the tree, or right-click and select Edit sketch in the contextual menu.)
  2. If Sketcher's Solver detects a redundant constraint it will turn sketch orange in colour, and before further constraints are added, redundant constraints should be removed. (Redundant constraint are shown in Task view, click on the blue reference and press DEL.)

File:Pd tut sp01.png
Fig: SP1

Applying Constraints


From Fig: SP1 you will see that FreeCAD has already applied some constraints:

  1. Top horizontal line has a Horizontal Constraint applied.
  2. Right point of the top line has a Point On Object Constraint applied.
  3. Left point of bottom horizontal line has another Point On Object Constraint applied.

Note: when using "named constraints" you have to refer to the "Name" property, but names shown here may vary due to the way the example file is done (It was made using Part Design Scripting), refer to the names you have in your design

  1. Select line defined by points P2 and P3 and apply a horizontal distance constraint and assign Length = 5 mm.
  2. Select line defined by points P1 and P2 and apply a vertical distance constraint and assign Length = 26 mm.
  3. Select line defined by points P4 and P1 and apply a horizontal distance constraint for the value you will use a "Named constraints" using Expressions to do so you have to press the little button on the dimensions , and you are presented with a new dialog window named Formula editor that contains an input field and a Result: label, similar to the image below:
    Expression dialog
    Expression dialog

    if you start typing in the cell, you will be presented with some autocompletions, base on the "Name" of the sketch, in the example is <<Sketch>>.
    1. Select the right one for your design; Field should have autocompletion so when an element is slected you will be presented with <<Sketch>>., note the point after the "element name".
    2. To select named constraint "width", you have to write the word Constraints. with the point, here autocomplete will work.
    3. To add "length" sadly you have not yet autocomplete, so complete the cell to read <<Sketch>>.Constraints.width if all is good you should see in the cell Result: the correct value as in figure below:
      Espression result good
      Espression result good

      Note the absence of "red words" and the correct value in the Result field
    4. Click OK to close Formula editor dialog.
    5. Click OK to close Insert length dialog.

Finalizing the Sketch

At this point you should have a fully constrained sketch as indicated by it changing color and the message shown in the Combo View. It should now look just like Fig: SPFC:

Note the differences in color between distance constraints assigned using expressions and those assigned specifying a length.

Now in the Tasks tab, click on the Close button to leave the sketch edit mode

Making the Pad

Fig: Pad

Select Pad from the toolbar or from the Part Design menu.

This will give you a Pad dialog in the Task View.

Using that dialog, set it's values accordingly to the following directions:

  1. For Type select Dimension .
  2. For Length you will use again an Expression but this time you will enter <<Sketch>>.Constraints.length in the field.
  3. Select Symmetric to plane.

Once that is done you will have a solid as shown in Fig: Pad


Fig: SK2
File:Pd tut sk2 ext geom.png
Fig: SK2_1
Fig: SK2_2
Fig: SK2_3

With Pad you have obtained a solid.

Now it is time to add some Features to this solid..

These Features could be obtained in various way, the way presented here is not the only way to achieve desired result.

Starting point is another time a Sketch.

  1. Hide the just created solid selecting it and using Spacebar to hide, or using the
  2. Click on the New sketch icon in the toolbar or from the Part Design menu. This will create a sketch named Sketch002.
  3. Select Rectangle tool, and create a rectangle, do not create it using near the axis, to avoid automatic constraints that will make difficult to move it in the correct position using External geometry tool.

    Apply these constraints:
    1. Select one of the horizontal lines apply a horizontal distance constraint and a value of 5 mm.
    2. Select one of the vertical lines and give it a vertical distance constraint and a value of 11 mm.
      You should obtain something similar to Fig: SK2.
  4. Click Close at top of the Tasks tab in the Combo View window.

Adding external geometries constraints

To use an External geometry is necessary to have sketches on which we are "attaching" our geometry visible.

  1. In the Treeview select Sketch and Sketch001 and make both visible using Spacebar.

With Sketch and Sketch001 visible, it is easy to operate:

  1. Double click on Sketch002 to activate again edit mode and adjust the view so you have clearly visible the points as example like in Fig: SK2_1, this will ease subsequent steps.
    Note: position of the rectangle could be different on your draw.
  2. Select External geometry tool, the cursor will became .
  3. Select with this cursor point P1 in Fig: SK2_2, selected point will remain highlighted and in the Elements tab of Task Panel you will see that this element is shown File:Pd tut ext geom pt.png.
  4. Select with this cursor point P2 in Fig: SK2_2.
    In the Elements tab of Task Panel you will see another element like the above.
  5. Press ESC to terminate External Geometry selection. Cursor will return standard arrow pointer.
  6. Select point P1 and point P3 and apply a Vertical Constraint.
    Rectangle will be aligned with the vertical position of selected point.
  7. Select point P2 and point P3 and apply a Horizontal Constraint.
    Rectangle will be aligned with the horizontal position the selected point.
  1. Click Close button at top of the Tasks tab in the Combo View window.


You have to subtract some material using the just created sketch that is positioned at one end. To make this operation you have to use Pocket tool from the toolbar or Part Design menu.

Using this tool is the opposite of the Pad tool. As the Pad tool adds material to the part, the Pocket tool removes material from the part.

  1. Select Pad and Unhide it.
  2. Select Sketch002.
  3. Select Pocket and configure the operation:
    1. Select Type Through all .
    2. Check Reversed
    3. Click the OK button.

To be continued...

For the next operation, make sure that “Pocket” is selected in the Model tree view and once done, click on the Mirror feature on the toolbar or from the Part Design menu. In the Mirror dialog in the Combo View, select Horizontal sketch axis from the Plane pulldown menu. Then click OK. The Mirror feature works in this way because the base feature of our model was Padded both ways from the horizontal plane in the first operation with the base sketch. If all has gone well, you should now have a part that looks like the image below after you orbit it around to the front.

Features with pad and external geometry

After taking a look, orbit back around and once again select the back face of the part and select that face to map the next sketch to.

Select New sketch and make a new rectangle in the manner similar to what is shown below in the next image. Then proceed to add dimensional constraints to the rectangle.

  1. Select a horizontal line and apply a horizontal distance constraint with a value of 16.7.
  2. Select a vertical line and apply a vertical distance constraint of 7 mm
  3. Using the External geometry tool, select the upper left vertex of the part face.

Now selecting the upper left vertex of the rectangle and the external geometry point, click on the coincident constraint to fully constrain the sketch.

Close the Sketcher.

Next we will click on the Pad feature and in the Pad dialog in the Combo View we want a length of 26 mm leaving the type as Dimension and then placing a check on the Reversed checkbox. Using the Reversed checkbox will cause the Pad to go into the part instead of away from the part. This operation provides with the following result.

Once again use the Mirror feature to get the second pad. First ensure that created Pad is selected in the tree view, then click on Mirror in the toolbar or select it from the Part Design menu. We will repeat the operation we did for Pocket above and select Horizontal sketch axis from the Plane pulldown menu.

Feature with pocket and external geometry

At this point orbiting the part around to the front, we can see that our part is now starting to look like the part in the dimensioned drawing at the beginning of this tutorial. Once you have the view of the front, click on the sloped face with your mouse to select the face we will use for the next sketch.

Here we will use the Rectangle tool and place a rectangle in our sketch and once having done so, apply the following constraints.

  1. Select a horizontal line and a vertical line, and after both are selected, click on the Equals constraint.
  2. Select either a horizontal or vertical line and apply a corresponding horizontal or vertical distance constraint with a value of 17 mm
  3. Using the External geometry tool, select the top right vertex as shown in the image below.

Now using the dimensions from the drawing, apply the following constraints.

  1. Select the external geometry point and the upper right vertex of the now square sketch and apply a horizontal distance constraint of 7 mm
  2. Select the external geometry point and the upper right vertex of the now square sketch and apply a vertical distance constraint of 11 mm

The result should be as follows.

At this point if we were to simply Pocket this sketch, the resulting hole would be perpendicular to the sloped face that it is mapped to, and this is not what we want.

We want the hole to be perpendicular to the back face, but it's projected dimensions are not the 17 mm x 17 mm dimensions that are given in the drawing. Now we could do the math and calculate the dimensions needed, or we can use the tools provided in FreeCAD to make that projection for us.

To create pocket which has the sloped rectangle as it´s outlet, we draw a new rectangle on the rear side, using the projection of the sloped rectangle as an external reference. Orbit the Solid around to see the rear face of the part once again and select the back face to map the final sketch to.

Select New Sketch from the toolbar or Part Design menu. Now in sketch edit mode, we do not see the sketched rectangle on the slope. To make it selectable , we switch the combo view to model tab and select the last sketch made (Sketch003) on the sloped plane. Then using the spacebar, make it visible. Next, select the mirror feature above (mirrored001) and again using the spacebar, hide it. Then you should see the sloped rectangle inside the 3D View. You may continue to work with the model tab visible, or switch back to tasks tab. Using the External geometry tool, select the upper and lower horizontal edges of the sloped rectangle. Then, add a new rectangle to the sketch using the Rectangle tool.

  1. Select the upper left vertex of the new rectangle and the upper left point of the external geometry and click on the coincident constraint.
  2. Click on the lower right vertex of the new rectangle and the lower right point of the external geometry and click on the coincident constraint.

And we should end up with this.

For the final step in this tutorial, close the sketcher window using close or finish editing from the context menu of sketch004 and then select the Pocket feature from the toolbar or from the Part Design menu. From the Type pulldown select Through all and click the OK button.

At this point, you will see some lines which come from intersecting features. In this case the side block intersects with the base profile letting it appear as a triangular block above the profile (i.e., there is an extra line visible in the above picture on the right face of the model). To remove these lines, you can either switch on "refine shape" in your Part Design Settings or, to save some processing speed and still have these lines while constructing, individually switch it on at each feature. The Setting on feature level can be done in the "data" tab of the feature. Set the refine property to TRUE for the pocket feature Pocket001 to invoke refining.

This tutorial and your model are complete.

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