Sketcher SelectElementsWithDoFs

From FreeCAD Documentation

Sketcher SelectElementsWithDoFs

Menu location
Sketch → Sketcher visual → Select unconstrained DoF
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


The Sketcher SelectElementsWithDoFs tool selects the not fully constrained elements in the sketch.

If such elements exist in a sketch the Solver messages section of the Sketcher Dialog displays this message:

  • Under constrained: n DoF(s)

Where n is the remaining number of degrees of freedom. Clicking the underlined text will select the under-constrained elements.

Please note that a sketch can also have redundant constraints if one of the other solver messages is displayed.


  1. There are several ways to invoke the tool:
    • Click the underlined text in the Sketcher Dialog as described above.
    • Select the Sketch → Sketcher visual → Select unconstrained DoF option from the menu.
    • Use the keyboard shortcut: Z then F.
  2. The under-constrained sketch elements are selected.
  3. Optionally click in an empty area in the 3D view to clear the selection.