Strumentiː Carica immagine

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 19:58, 21 April 2023 by Marco T (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Descrizione==")

Carica immagine

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Strumenti → Carica immagine...
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The Std ViewLoadImage command opens an image in a new tab in the Main view area.


  1. Select the Tools → Load image... option from the menu.
  2. Optionally select the correct file type in the dialog box.
  3. Select a file.
  4. Press the Open button.
  5. The image opens in a new tab.
  6. Optionally right-click in the tab and select Fit to window, Zoom in or Zoom out.
  7. To pan an image that is larger than the tab either use the scrollbars, or hold down the middle mouse button and move the cursor.
  8. Close the tab when done.
