Std Measure

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Std Measure

Menu location
Tools → Measure
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Std MeasureDistance, Draft Dimension


The Std Measure command gives access to the Unified Measurement Facility introduced to FreeCAD 1.0 during a GSoC 2023 project. It replaced the old measurement tools, providing a versatile measurement functionality.


  1. Optionally, preselect the geometrical entities to be used for measurement.
  2. Press the Std Measure button or select the Tools → Measure option from the menu.
  3. If no geometrical entities were preselected, do one of the following:
    • Select the geometrical entities while leaving the Mode as Auto so that the mode will be automatically determined.
    • Select the Mode other than Auto and then select the geometrical entities:
      • Distance - the shortest distance between the selected entities,
      • Angle - angle between the selected entities,
      • Length - length of the selected edge,
      • Position - coordinates of the selected vertex,
      • Area - area of the selected face,
      • Radius - radius of the selected circular edge,
      • Center of Mass - COM of the selected edge or face.
  4. The measurement result will be shown in the Result field and on a label displayed in the 3D view. That label will also include an icon indicating the type of measurement. The labels can be customized in Preferences. They can be moved in the 3D view by dragging them with a cursor.
  5. Click Reset to delete the measurement or Save to keep it (saved measurements will be kept in Measurements container in the tree view). Click Close to exit the tool.