Std TreeSyncSelection

From FreeCAD Documentation

Std TreeSyncSelection

Menu location
View → TreeView actions → Sync selection
Default shortcut
T 2
Introduced in version
See also


The Std TreeSyncSelection command toggles the Tree view SyncSelection mode. If this mode is on, selecting an object in a 3D view will automatically expand the Tree view to show that object.


  1. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Click on the black down arrow to the right of the button and select the Sync selection option from the flyout. Note: the button image will change depending on the selected option.
    • Select the View → TreeView actions → Sync selection option from the menu.
    • Use the keyboard shortcut: T then 2.


See also: Preferences Editor.

The Tree view SyncSelection mode can also be set in the preferences: Edit→ Preferences → General → Selection → Auto expand tree item when the corresponding object is selected in 3D view.