Part FormGenerator

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Part Generator

Formteil → Formgenerator...
Eingeführt in Version
Siehe auch
Part Grundkörper erstellen



Ein Werkzeug zur Erstellung von komplexeren Formen aus verschiedenen parametrischen geometrischen Grundkörpern.


  1. Select two vertices
  2. Click on Create

Wire from edges

  1. Select a set of adjacent edges in the 3D view
  2. Click on Create

Face from vertices

  1. Select vertices bounding the face in the 3D view
  2. Select if face should be planar
  3. Click on Create
  4. Object will be created in 3D view and will be listed in tree view

Face from edges

  1. Select a closed set of edges bounding the face in the 3D view
  2. Select if face should be planar
  3. Click on Create
  4. Object will be created in 3D view and will be listed in tree view

Shell from faces

  1. Select faces in the 3D view
  2. Select if the shape should be refined
  3. Select if all faces should be included in shell
  4. Click on Create
  5. Object will be created in 3D view and will be listed in tree view

Solid from shell

  1. Select if the shape should be refined
  2. Click on Create
  3. Object will be created in 3D view and will be listed in tree view


A possible workflow could be:

  • Draw a wireframe-model of your shape using the tools in the Draft Workbench (for example line and dwire)
  • Create all faces with "face from edges"
  • Create a "shell from faces"
  • Create a "solid from shell"