Informacje o wydaniu 0.21

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 13:59, 30 April 2023 by Kaktus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===Kolejne ulepszenia dla środowiska Rysunek Roboczy===")
FreeCAD 0.21 jest w trakcie rozwoju, nie ma jeszcze oczekiwanej daty wydania.

Czy brakuje jakichś funkcji? Wspomnij o nich w wątku na forum Informacje o wydaniu v0.21.

Więcej informacji na temat sposobów przyczyniania się do rozwoju programu FreeCAD można znaleźć na stronie Pomóż w rozwoju FreeCAD.

Wszystkie obrazy na tej stronie muszą używać przyrostka _relnotes_0.21.

FreeCAD 0.21 zostanie wydany w roku 2023, pobranie będzie możliwe ze strony Download. Ta strona jest podsumowaniem najciekawszych zmian i funkcji.

Starsze uwagi na temat wydania FreeCAD można znaleźć na stronie Lista funkcji.

Miejsce na przyciągający wzrok obrazek wybrany przez adminów z galerii pokazowej użytkowników.

Informacje ogólne

Interfejs użytkownika

Ściany narożników kostki nawigacyjnej są teraz sześciokątne i większe, dzięki czemu łatwiej je kliknąć.

Czcionkę, rozmiar czcionki i kolor przycisku (strzałki wokół kostki) można teraz zmienić również w preferencjach.
Pull request #7876, Pull request #8266 oraz Pull request #8646.

Trwały przekrój przecinających się obiektów.
Kliknij w obraz, aby zobaczyć animację.
Narzędzie Wycinek z przekroju umożliwia teraz wycięcie przecinających się obiektów. Jest to przydatne w przypadku złożeń, w których czasami nie można uniknąć przecięć stykających się obiektów ze względu na problemy numeryczne.
Pull request #8252.
Styl wyświetlania wyników pomiarów utworzonych przy użyciu środowiska Część lub Projekt Części może być teraz zmieniony w preferencjach.

Pull request #7148

Pole wyboru środowiska pracy może być teraz opcjonalnie umieszczone na pasku menu zamiast w obszarze paska narzędzi.

Pull request #7679

Dalsze ulepszenia interfejsu użytkownika

System podstawowy i API

Rdzeń programu


Nowe skrypty Python

  • ShapeFix_EdgeConnectPy: Root class for fixing operations. commit 4d4adb93
  • ShapeFix_EdgePy: Fixing invalid edge. commit 4089cbfb
  • ShapeFix_FaceConnectPy: Rebuilds connectivity between faces in shell. commit a0eb2e9d
  • ShapeFix_FacePy: Class for fixing operations on faces. commit b6cd635c
  • ShapeFix_FixSmallFacePy: Class for fixing operations on faces. commit 4c2946c8
  • ShapeFix_FixSmallSolidPy: Fixing solids with small size. commit b70d8d37
  • ShapeFix_FreeBoundsPy: Intended to output free bounds of the shape. commit 1ee1aee1
  • ShapeFix_RootPy: Root class for fixing operations. commit f3e941a3
  • ShapeFix_ShapePy: Class for fixing operations on shapes. commit 87db9dcc
  • ShapeFix_ShapeTolerancePy: Modifies tolerances of sub-shapes (vertices, edges, faces). commit 125d5b63
  • ShapeFix_ShellPy: Root class for fixing operations. commit f3e941a3
  • ShapeFix_SolidPy: Root class for fixing operations. commit 8d568793
  • ShapeFix_SplitCommonVertexPy: Class for fixing operations on shapes. commit 4b44c54c
  • ShapeFix_SplitToolPy: Tool for splitting and cutting edges. commit bbecc3f2
  • ShapeFix_WireframePy: Provides methods for fixing wireframe of shape. commit 6843a461
  • ShapeFix_WirePy: Class for fixing operations on wires. commit 94f6279a
  • ShapeFix_WireVertexPy: Fixing disconnected edges in the wire. commit 8c6ffc99

Usunięte skrypty API

Menadżer dodatków

Środowisko pracy Architektura

  • Naprawiono kilka problemów z trybem edycji i poprawiono menu podręczne widoku Drzewa dla obiektów Łuku. Obiekty, które mogą być edytowane mają teraz opcję Edytuj w tym menu. Opcja Ustaw kolor została usunięta dla obiektów bez ściany lub mogących mieć tylko jedną ścianę. Pull request #8122

Planowane ulepszenie dla środowiska Architektura

Środowisko pracy Rysunek Roboczy

Kolejne ulepszenia dla środowiska Rysunek Roboczy

FEM Workbench

Iso-contours, depicting the y-component of the absolute magnetic
flux density in and around a copper wire that is flown through by
electric current at a frequency of 100 kHz.
For more info about this model, see section 14 of the Elmer Tutorials.
There is the new Contours filter filter that allows to draw iso-lines or iso-contours. Iso-contours are connected mesh nodes that have the same result field value. A typical example are electric field lines.

Pull request #8462

Simulation result (of flowing water being heated) where 8 mesh regions
are visible (one for every CPU core used).
It is now possible to run the solver Elmer using multiple CPU cores. For more info about the caveats, see this forum post

Pull request #7159

Simulation result of the imaginary part of the current density in
a crucible that was heated electrically by a surrounding coil.
This model is available via the FEM Examples.
For more info about this model, see section 16 of the Elmer Tutorials.
The Magnetodynamic 2D equation was added. With this it is possible to perform electromagnetic simulations in 2D.

Pull request #8355

Simulation result of the imaginary part of the magnetic flux density in
and around a copper wire that is flown through by electric current at
a frequency of 100 kHz.
This model is available via the FEM Examples.
For more info about this model, see section 14 of the Elmer Tutorials.
The Magnetodynamic equation was added. With this it is possible to perform electromagnetic simulations.

Pull request #8380

Simulation result of an iron U-wire that is deformed
by pressing the ends of the U together.
For more info about this model, see section 8 of the Elmer Tutorials.
The Deformation equation was added. With this it is possible to perform nonlinear elasticity analyses (deformation).

Pull request #8981

Further FEM improvements



Further Mesh improvements

OpenSCAD Workbench

Part Workbench

Further Part improvements

PartDesign Workbench

A counterdrill hole.
The Hole dialog supports the screw head type Counterdrill.

Pull request #7562

Further PartDesign improvements

Path Workbench

  • Camotics integration. If camotics (version 1.2.2 or later) is installed, a new icon will be added to the Path toolbar. Select a Path Job and press the button to open the Camotics dialog. Then drag the slider to generate a simulated solid at any point in the job. You can also launch the full camotics application to run the animated simulaton. This results in a silent post-processing of the job and creation of a camotics project file. Pull request #6637
  • Additional substitution strings for automatic output naming. If output is being split into multiple files, the filenames can automatically substitute the toolcontroller label, WCS, or operation label. This is in addition to the other existing substitution strings like date, job name, etc.
  • Implemented Chipbreaking option for peck style drill cycles. Chipbreaking emits a G73 cycle which causes the control to make a very small retraction move to break the chip without fully retracting the bit from the hole. G73 is supported natively by LinuxCNC. Some other postprocessors will have to interpret the G73 and emit control appropriate codes or decompose the retraction into G1/G0 moves. Postprocessor support for G73 decomposition has been added to the "refactored" postprocessors.Pull request #7469

Plot module

Sketcher Workbench

Dragging of B-spline knots.
Click on the image to see the animation.
B-spline knots can now be dragged around and constrained like any other sketch point.

Pull request #7484

Dragging of a B-spline.
Click on the image if the animation does not start.
Dragging a B-spline now only moves the part between knots.

Pull request #7110

Click on the image to see the animation.
The Join curves tool has been added. It can combine multiple curves into a single B-spline.

Pull request #6507

Click on the image to see the animation.
Sketches can now be seamlessly edited from the front or back. When working from the back, vertices (and all geometries and constraints) are equally selectable and the section view is switched automatically.

Pull request #7417

The Sketcher grid has been reworked. The Grid tool has been added. Automatic rescalling of grid option has been added.

Pull request #8473

The Sketcher Constraint widget has been reworked to simplify the UI.

Pull request #7566

Click on the image to see the animation.
The Element widget has been reworked to simplify the UI and enable simpler selection of the different parts of each geometry: Edge, start point, end point and mid point.

Pull request #7567

A feature to automatically resize the grid according to the zoom level and other improvements were introduced.

Pull request #8473

Basic visual layers functionality was introduced, for now only 3 hardcoded layers are supported. Expect further improvements down the road.

This PR also removes the rendering order options (no longer needed) and the "Edit controls" widget from the task panel as all it's contents have been moved to other places or removed. Pull request #8716

Circle to circle distance constraint was introduced.

Pull request #8896

Click on the image to see the animation.
Snap Manager, snapping at angle and midpoint snap were added.

Pull request #8387

Coincident constraint can now act as a concentric constraint when selecting 2 or more circles, arcs, ellipses or arcs of ellipses.

Pull request #7703

Further Sketcher improvements

Spreadsheet Workbench

Further Spreadsheet improvements

TechDraw Workbench

The SurfaceFinishSymbol tool was added to allow for the creation of surface finish symbols describing roughness, lay and waviness, but also denoting the type of surface treatment. It supports both ISO and ASME styles. As shown in the image, the existing LeaderLine tool can be used to properly refer oriented symbols to the edges of an object.

Pull request #7227

The ComplexSection tool was added to allow for the creation of half, offset and aligned sections.

Pull request #7658

Further TechDraw improvements


External workbenches







Since this release FreeCAD can only be compiled using Qt 5.x and Python 3.x. The lowest supported Python version is 3.8 according to the FreeCAD 1.0 development goals.

To compile FreeCAD see the instructions for Windows, Linux and macOS.

The supported operating systems are:

  • Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11
  • Linux Ubuntu Focal Fossa (20.04) and newer
  • macOS: 10.12 Sierra or newer

Known Limitations

32bit Windows

Since FreeCAD 0.19 we no longer officially support 32bit Windows. FreeCAD might work on these systems, but no support is given.

Remote Desktop under Windows

Depending on the OpenGL graphics capabilities of a computer, it might be that one encounters a crash when running FreeCAD via remote desktop. To fix this upgrade your OpenGL driver. Only if this doesn't help:

  • Download this OpenGL library for 64bit Windows and extract it.
  • Rename the DLL file to opengl32sw.dll and copy it to the bin subfolder of FreeCAD's installation folder (overwrite the existing DLL there).

macOS: Start Workbench shows blank page

If the Start Workbench shows only a blank page, you must enable the option Use software OpenGL in the menu FreeCAD-0.21 → Preferences → Display.