Part Module/zh-cn

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 01:51, 7 July 2019 by Wconly (talk | contribs) (Created page with "零件模块中主要使用的数据结构为OpenCascade中的 [ BRep]数据类型。几乎零件模块中的所有内容...")


FreeCAD的实体建模能力都是基于 Open Cascade Technology (OCCT)内核——一种具有创建与处理高级3D几何体等特性的专业级CAD系统。零件工作台(Part Workbench)是一种建立于OCCT库之上的层级,为用户提供了访问OCCT几何图元与函数的功能。每种工作台(如底图工作台, 草图工作台, 零件设计工作台等等)的一切2D与3D绘制功能其实都是基于零件工作台暴露出的函数实现的。因此,可以认为零件工作台是FreeCAD建模功能的核心组件。

以零件工作台创建的对象相对简单;为了构建更为复杂的几何图形,可以为之运用布尔运算(并集与减运算)。此建模范式就是尽人皆知的构造实体几何 (CSG) 工作流程,它是早期CAD系统中所用的传统方法。另一方面,零件设计工作台(PartDesign Workbench)还提供了更为现代的工作流程来构建几何图形:它利用参数化方式来定义草图,再将其挤压成型为基本的实体对象,最后通过参数化变换(特征编辑)来修改模型,直到用户获取预期的最终模型为止。

零件对象比网格工作台(Mesh Workbench)创建的网格对象更为复杂,因为用户可以对前者执行更为高级的操作,如连续的布尔运算、修改历史与参数化处理。






  • Box: 根据指定的规格绘制一个立方体
  • Cylinder: 根据指定的规格绘制一个圆柱体
  • Sphere: 根据指定的规格绘制一个球体
  • Cone: 根据指定的规格绘制一个圆锥体
  • Torus: 根据指定的规格绘制一个环面(torus)(圆环 (ring))
  • CreatePrimitives: 一种用于创建各类参数化几何图元的工具
  • Shapebuilder: 一种利用各种参数化几何图元创建更加复杂几何图形的工具



  • Extrude: 将对象的平面端面挤压成型
  • Revolve: 通过令一(非实体)对象绕某轴旋转来创建另一个实体对象
  • Mirror: 根据指定的镜面对选中的对象进行镜像操作
  • Fillet: 为对象的边倒(圆)角
  • Chamfer: 为对象的边倒角
  • Ruled Surface:
  • Loft: 对轮廓进行放样操作(放样成另一种轮廓)
  • Sweep: 沿路径对一个或多个轮廓进行扫描
  • Offset tools:
    • 3D Offset: 根据原始几何形状在特定的距离处构建一个平行的副本。
    • 2D Offset: 根据原始连线在特定的距离处创建一个平行的副本,或者缩放一个平面端面。(v0.17)
  • Thickness: 镂空一个实体,在选中的面上留下开口。
  • Projection on surface: 向表面上投影logo、文本或任意表面、连线、边。可以为投影部分创建一个示例或连线。(v0.19)
  • Booleans: 在对象上执行布尔运算
  • Union: 将两个对象融为一体 (并集)
  • Common: 提取出两个对象中的共有部分(交集)
  • Cut: 从一个对象中去掉另一个对象(差集)
  • Join features: smart booleans for walled objects (e.g., pipes) (v0.16)
    • Connect: Connects interiors of objects (v0.16)
    • Embed: Embeds a walled object into another walled object (v0.16)
    • Cutout: Creates a cutout in a wall of an object for another walled object (v0.16)
  • Splitting tools: (v0.17)
    • Boolean fragments: makes all the pieces that can be obtained by Boolean operations between objects (v0.17)
    • Slice a part: tool to split shapes by intersection with other shapes
    • Slice: Splits an object into pieces by intersections with another object (v0.17)
    • XOR: removes space shared by even number of objects (symmetric version of Cut) (v0.17)


  • Import CAD: 您可利用此工具为当前文档添加*.IGES、*.STEP、*.BREP文档。
  • Export CAD: 您可利用此工具将一个零件对象导出至一个*.IGES、*.STEP、*.BREP文件。
  • Shape from Mesh: 根据一个网格对象创建一个几何形状对象。
  • Convert to solid: 将一个几何形状对象转换为一个实体对象。
  • Reverse shapes: 调转选中对象所有表面上的法线方向。
  • File:Part CreateSimpleCopy.svg Create simple copy: 为选中的对象创建一个简单的副本。
  • Refine shape: 通过去除不必要的线条来清理表面。
  • Check geometry: 检测选中对象的几何体是否存在错误。
  • Measure: 令用户可以实现点/边/面间的线性测量与角度测量。
  • Attachment: 本工具的功能为令一个对象附着于另一对象之上。


OCCT geometric concepts

In OpenCascade terminology, we distinguish between geometric primitives and topological shapes. A geometric primitive can be a point, a line, a circle, a plane, etc. or even some more complex types like a B-Spline curve or a surface. A shape can be a vertex, an edge, a wire, a face, a solid or a compound of other shapes. The geometric primitives are not made to be directly displayed on the 3D scene, but rather to be used as building geometry for shapes. For example, an edge can be constructed from a line or from a portion of a circle.

In summary, geometry primitives are "shapeless" building blocks, while topological shapes are the real objects built on them.

A complete list of all primitives and shapes refer to the OCC documentation (Alternative: and search for Geom_* (for geometric primitives) and TopoDS_* (for shapes). There you can also read more about the differences between them. Please note that the official OCC documentation is not available online (you must download an archive) and is mostly aimed at programmers, not at end-users. But hopefully you'll find enough information to get started here.

The geometric types actually can be divided into two major groups: curves and surfaces. Out of the curves (line, circle, ...) you can directly build an edge, out of the surfaces (plane, cylinder, ...) a face can be built. For example, the geometric primitive line is unlimited, i.e. it is defined by a base vector and a direction vector while its shape representation must be something limited by a start and end point. And a box -- a solid -- can be created by six limited planes.

From an edge or face you can also go back to its geometric primitive counterpart.

Thus, out of shapes you can build very complex parts or, the other way round, extract all sub-shapes a more complex shape is made of.


参见: 零件脚本

零件模块中主要使用的数据结构为OpenCascade中的 BRep数据类型。几乎零件模块中的所有内容与对象类型都可在Python脚本中使用。这其中包括几何图元,如线段与圆形(或弧), 以及整个TopoShapes范畴,如顶点、边、连线、面、实体与组合对象。对于其中的每一种对象而言,都存在若干创建方法,而对于TopoShapes中的特定对象而言,还支持一些高级操作如布尔并集/差集/交集等。以FreeCAD脚本基础页面所述的方式来浏览零件模块中的内容,即可获悉更多详情。


To create a line element switch to the Python console and type in:

import Part,PartGui 

Let's go through the above python example step by step:

import Part,PartGui

loads the Part module and creates a new document


Line is actually a line segment, hence the start and endpoint.


This adds a Part object type to the document and assigns the shape representation of the line segment to the 'Shape' property of the added object. It is important to understand here that we used a geometric primitive (the Part.LineSegment) to create a TopoShape out of it (the toShape() method). Only Shapes can be added to the document. In FreeCAD, geometry primitives are used as "building structures" for Shapes.


Updates the document. This also prepares the visual representation of the new part object.

Note that a Line Segment can be created by specifying its start and endpoint directly in the constructor, for example Part.LineSegment(point1,point2), or we can create a default line and set its properties afterwards, as we did here.

A circle can be created in a similar way:

import Part
doc = App.activeDocument()
c = Part.Circle() 
f = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", "Circle")
f.Shape = c.toShape()

Note again, we used the circle (geometry primitive) to construct a shape out of it. We can of course still access our construction geometry afterwards, by doing:

s = f.Shape
e = s.Edges[0]
c = e.Curve

Here we take the shape of our object f, then we take its list of edges. In this case there will be only one because we made the whole shape out of a single circle, so we take only the first item of the Edges list, and we takes its curve. Every Edge has a Curve, which is the geometry primitive it is based on.

Head to the Topological data scripting page if you would like to know more.
