
From FreeCAD Documentation
This page is a translated version of the page Part Workbench and the translation is 8% complete.
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FreeCAD的实体建模能力都是基于 Open Cascade Technology (OCCT)内核——一种具有创建与处理高级3D几何体等特性的专业级CAD系统。零件工作台(Part Workbench)是一种建立于OCCT库之上的层级,为用户提供了访问OCCT几何图元与函数的功能。每种工作台(如底图工作台, 草图工作台, 零件设计工作台等等)的一切2D与3D绘制功能其实都是基于零件工作台暴露出的函数实现的。因此,可以认为零件工作台是FreeCAD建模功能的核心组件。

A more detailed discussion of Part workbench versus Part Design workbench can be found here: Part and Part Design.

以零件工作台创建的对象相对简单;为了构建更为复杂的几何图形,可以为之运用布尔运算(并集与减运算)。此建模范式就是尽人皆知的构造实体几何 (CSG) 工作流程,它是早期CAD系统中所用的传统方法。另一方面,零件设计工作台(PartDesign Workbench)还提供了更为现代的工作流程来构建几何图形:它利用参数化方式来定义草图,再将其挤压成型为基本的实体对象,最后通过参数化变换(特征编辑)来修改模型,直到用户获取预期的最终模型为止。

零件对象比网格工作台(Mesh Workbench)创建的网格对象更为复杂,因为用户可以对前者执行更为高级的操作,如连续的布尔运算、修改历史与参数化处理。






  • Box: 根据指定的规格绘制一个立方体
  • Cylinder: 根据指定的规格绘制一个圆柱体
  • Sphere: 根据指定的规格绘制一个球体
  • Cone: 根据指定的规格绘制一个圆锥体
  • Torus: 根据指定的规格绘制一个环面(torus)(圆环 (ring))
  • CreatePrimitives: 一种用于创建各类参数化几何图元的工具
  • Shapebuilder: 一种利用各种参数化几何图元创建更加复杂几何图形的工具
  • Cone: Creates a cone.
  • Tube: Creates a tube.
  • Create primitives...: A tool to create one of the following primitives:
    • Plane: Creates a plane.
    • Box: Creates a box. This object can also be created with the Box tool.
    • Cylinder: Creates a cylinder. This object can also be created with the Cylinder tool.
    • Cone: Creates a cone. This object can also be created with the Cone tool.
    • Sphere: Creates a sphere. This object can also be created with the Sphere tool.
    • Ellipsoid: Creates a ellipsoid.
    • Torus: Creates a torus. This object can also be created with the Torus tool.
    • Prism: Creates a prism.
    • Wedge: Creates a wedge.
    • Helix: Creates a helix.
    • Spiral: Creates a spiral.
    • Circle: Creates a circular arc.
    • Ellipse: Creates an elliptical arc.
    • Point: Creates a point.
    • Line: Creates a line.
    • Regular polygon: Creates a regular polygon.



  • Extrude: 将对象的平面端面挤压成型
  • Revolve: 通过令一(非实体)对象绕某轴旋转来创建另一个实体对象
  • Mirror: 根据指定的镜面对选中的对象进行镜像操作
  • Fillet: 为对象的边倒(圆)角
  • Chamfer: 为对象的边倒角
  • Ruled Surface:
  • Loft: 对轮廓进行放样操作(放样成另一种轮廓)
  • Sweep: 沿路径对一个或多个轮廓进行扫描
  • Revolve: Creates a solid by revolving an object (not a solid) around an axis.
  • Mirror: Mirrors the selected object across a mirror plane.
  • Fillet: Fillets (rounds) edges of an object.
  • Chamfer: Chamfers edges of an object.
  • Loft: Lofts from one profile to another.
  • Sweep: Sweeps one or more profiles along a path.
  • Section: Creates a section by intersecting an object with a section plane.
  • Offset tools:
    • 3D Offset: 根据原始几何形状在特定的距离处构建一个平行的副本。
    • 2D Offset: 根据原始连线在特定的距离处创建一个平行的副本,或者缩放一个平面端面。(v0.17)
  • Thickness: 镂空一个实体,在选中的面上留下开口。
  • Projection on surface: 向表面上投影logo、文本或任意表面、连线、边。可以为投影部分创建一个示例或连线。(v0.19)
  • Attachment: Attaches an object to another object.


These tools perform boolean operations.

  • Boolean: 在对象上执行布尔运算
  • Cut: Cuts (subtracts) one object from another.
  • Fuse: Fuses (unions) two or more objects.
  • Common: Extracts the common (intersection) part of two objects.
  • Join features:
    • Connect: Connects interiors of walled objects.
    • Embed: Embeds a walled object into another walled object.
    • Cutout: Creates a cutout in a wall of an object for another walled object.
  • Splitting tools:
    • Boolean fragments: Creates all pieces obtained from Boolean operations.
    • Slice apart: Slices and splits an object by intersecting it with other objects.
    • Slice: Slices an object by intersecting it with other objects.
    • XOR: Removes space shared by an even number of objects.


  • Import: 您可利用此工具为当前文档添加*.IGES、*.STEP、*.BREP文档。
  • Export: Exports to *.IGES, *.STEP, or *.BREP files.

Context menu items

  • Appearance: Determines the appearance of a whole object (color, transparency etc.).

Obsolete tools


The Std Measure tool replaces the tools listed below. introduced in version 1.0

  • Measure Linear: Creates a linear measurement. Not available in version 1.0 and above.
  • Measure Angular: Creates an angular measurement. Not available in version 1.0 and above.
  • Measure Refresh: Updates all measurements. Not available in version 1.0 and above.
  • Toggle 3D: Shows or hides 3D measurements. Not available in version 1.0 and above.
  • Toggle Delta: Shows or hides delta measurements. Not available in version 1.0 and above.



参见: 零件脚本
