Draft Shape2DView

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Draft Shape2DView

Menu location
Modification → Shape 2D view
Draft, Arch, Part, TechDraw
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


The Draft Shape2DView tool produces a 2D projection from a selected 3D solid object such as those created with the Part, PartDesign, and Arch Workbenches.

The resulting projection is a Draft object and is placed in the 3D view. This object can be displayed on a TechDraw Workbench page, using the TechDraw DraftView tool. Alternatively, TechDraw has its own tools to create projected views, the TechDraw View and TechDraw ProjectionGroup tools; however, these tools are meant for preparing technical drawings, so they create the views only in the drawing page, and not in the 3D view.

Projection of solid shapes into the XY plane


  1. Rotate the view so it reflects the direction of the desired projection. For example, a top view will project the object on the XY plane.
  2. Select a 3D object.
  3. Press the Draft Shape2DView button. If no object is selected, you will be invited to select one.

The projected object will be created below the selected object, lying on the XY plane. It's position can be changed by changing its properties. The projection direction can also be changed after creation with the property editor.

Note: If the selected object is an Arch SectionPlane, the projection will use the contents and direction of that Section plane; in this case, the "Projection" property will be ignored.

How to produce plans and sections with different linewidths

Drawings with different linewidths for viewed and cut lines can easily be produced by using two shape2Dview objects from a same Arch SectionPlane. One of the shape2Dview objects has its projection mode set to Solid, which renders the viewed lines, and another set to Cut lines or Cut faces to render the cut lines. The two shape2Dviews are then placed at the same location, one on top of the other.


See also: Property editor.

A Draft Shape2DView object is derived from a Part Part2DObject and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties:



  • DataBase (Link): specifies the object to be projected.
  • DataFace Numbers (IntegerList): specifies the indices of the faces to be projected. Only works if DataProjection Mode is Individual Faces.
  • DataFuse Arch (Bool): specifies if Arch objects of the same type and material are fused or not.
  • DataHidden Lines (Bool): specifies if hidden lines are shown or not.
  • DataIn Place (Bool): only works if the selected object is an Arch SectionPlane, and DataProjection Mode is Cutlines or Cutfaces, specifies if the projection will appear co-planar with the section plane.
  • DataProjection (Vector): specifies the direction of the projection.
  • DataProjection Mode (Enumeration): specifies the projection mode. The following modes are available:
    • Solid: projects the entire selected object.
    • Individual Faces: only projects the faces in the DataFace Numbers list.
    • Cutlines: only works if the selected object is an Arch SectionPlane, projects only the edges cut by the section plane.
    • Cutfaces: only works if the selected object is an Arch SectionPlane, projects the areas cut through solids by the section plane as faces.
    • Solid faces: projects the entire selected object by cutting faces one by one. Can be used if the Solid mode gives wrong results. introduced in version 0.20
  • DataSegment Length (Float): specifies the size in millimeters of linear segments if DataTessellation is true.
  • DataTessellation (Bool): specifies if tessellation should be performed. Tessellation means that curves are replaced by sequences of line segments. This can be computationally intensive if the DataSegment Length is too short.
  • DataVisible Only (Bool): specifies if the projection should only be recomputed if it is visible.
  • DataExclusion Points (Vector list): A list of exclusion points. Any edge passing through any of those points will not be drawn. introduced in version 0.20



  • ViewPattern (Enumeration): not used.
  • ViewPattern Size (Float): not used.


See also: Autogenerated API documentation and FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

To create a 2D projection use the make_shape2dview method (introduced in version 0.19) of the Draft module. This method replaces the deprecated makeShape2DView method.

shape2dview = make_shape2dview(baseobj, projectionVector=None, facenumbers=[])
  • baseobj is the object to be projected.
  • projectionVector is the projection vector. If not supplied the Z axis is used.
  • facenumbers is a list of face numbers (0-based). If supplied only these faces are considered.
  • shape2dview is returned with the created 2D projection.

Change the ProjectionMode property of the created object if required. It can be: "Solid", "Individual Faces", "Cutlines", "Cutfaces" or "Solid faces".


import FreeCAD as App
import Draft

doc = App.newDocument()

box = doc.addObject("Part::Box", "Box")
box.Length = 2300
box.Width = 500
box.Height = 1000

shape1 = Draft.make_shape2dview(box)

shape2 = Draft.make_shape2dview(box, App.Vector(1, -1, 1))

shape3 = Draft.make_shape2dview(box, App.Vector(-1, 1, 1), [0, 5])
shape3.ProjectionMode = "Individual Faces"
