Sketcher "Внешняя геометрия"

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Revision as of 08:02, 18 October 2019 by Mad max (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=== Правила выбора === Правила выбора объектов, которые можно импортировать, существенно различаю...")

Внешняя Геометрия

Системное название
Sketcher External
Расположение в меню
Эскиз → Геометрия эскиза → Внешняя Геометрия
Быстрые клавиши
Представлено в версии
См. также
Вспомогательная Геометрия


Используйте инструмент Внешняя Геометрия, когда вам нужно применить ограничение между геометрией эскиза и чем-то вне эскиза. Это работает путем вставки связанной вспомогательной геометрии в эскиз. По умолчанию цвет связанной внешней геометрии пурпурный. Как и в случае стандартной несвязанной вспомогательной геометрии (синего цвета), связанная внешняя геометрия видна только тогда, когда эскиз находится в режиме редактирования, и напрямую не используется в последующих результатах использования эскиза другими инструментами. Оба типа вспомогательной геометрии могут использоваться в качестве ссылок для ограничений в эскизе.

Как использовать

  • Создайте новый эскиз или откройте существующий эскиз.
  • Нажмите кнопку 'Внешняя Геометрия'.
  • Выберите ребро или вершину, которую вы хотите связать с эскизом.
  • Нажмите Esc, или выберите другой инструмент, чтобы прекратить импорт геометрии в эскиз.

Правила выбора

Правила выбора объектов, которые можно импортировать, существенно различаются между версиями FC v0.16 и FC v0.17.


  • Only edges and vertices from objects from same coordinate system are allowed.

That is, the sketch and the object must be in same Body, or in same Part, or both outside of any Parts and Bodies.

For example, If the open sketch is in Body, you can use another sketch from Body as external geometry, but you can't use a sketch from Body001, or an edge from a Part Cube in the root of the project. Use Shapebinder feature to bring in a copy of the object into the coordinate system of open sketch. Then you will be able to use edges/vertices of Shapebinder object.

  • No circular dependencies are allowed.

That means, you can't link to Pocket made with this sketch. You can't link to any object that depends on the sketch.

Unlike in v0.16, sketch doesn't have to be on any face in order to use this tool. Links directly between sketches are possible, and encouraged, as they are more reliable.

v0.16 and older

  • You can only link to edges/vertices of the shape the sketch is mapped to.

For example. If Sketch was made on a face of Pad, you can only use edges/vertices of Pad. You can't use edges of Sketch that was used to make Pad. You can't use edges of Pad that are inherited onto a Pocket done with this sketch (you need to hide Pocket and unhide Pad to link new stuff in).

The sketch MUST be mapped to a face in order to use this tool.

Appearance When Successfully Linked

A (default magenta) coloured line will be overlaid when an edge is successfully linked (the vertices will be red), and will be visible in your sketch only while your sketch is in edit mode.

Similarity to Construction Lines

External geometry (default colour magenta) lines are similar (default colour blue) Contruction lines except in that the external geometry magenta lines are parametrically linked back to an element of the solid to which the sketch is mapped. Construction geometry are lines that are internal to the sketch, are only visible when the sketch is in edit mode and will be used for constraint references only, and not directly for later solid operations, like Pad or Pocket.

Use Of External Geometry in a PartDesign Workbench Work Flow

In the PartDesign workbench work flow, the External Geometry tool is used to assist in the positioning of an aspect of the solid you are constructing, relative to the previous stage in its construction. PartDesign workbench is intended to produce one single solid, therefore these sketches with external geometry are used to create a new feature of that one single solid.

The external geometry can, for example, be used as a reference for a constraint being used to position a hole in an object at a specific location relative to an edge or vertex.

Use Of External Geometry in a Part Workbench Work Flow

You can use any Part geometry that is in coordinate system of the sketch. It is advised to link to the earliest feature possible, as it forms a more stable link.

In v0.16 and older, the sketch must be mapped to a face to use this tool. Since v0.17, this limitation was lifted.


This, below, is a sketch mapped to the top face of a solid created from a Pad of a previous sketch. The magenta lines are External Geometry linked to two edges of this pre-existing Pad.

In this case they are used as a reference for tangency constraints with the circumferences of one circle. They are also used as the reference for a horizontal and a vertical constraint to locate the centre of the second circle relative to the end and top of the Pad.

This is the same sketch in edit mode, with the Pad upon which it is mapped hidden.

When the sketch edit mode is closed, external Geometry lines are not visible.