Part PointsFromMesh/ru

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Revision as of 11:02, 15 September 2021 by Evgeniy (talk | contribs)

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Part PointsFromMesh‎

Системное название
Part PointsFromMesh‎
Расположение в меню
Part → Create points object from mesh
Быстрые клавиши
Представлено в версии
См. также
Part ShapeFromMesh, Part ConvertToSolid, Part RefineShape


The Part PointsFromMesh tool creates a shape starting from a mesh object imported or produced from the Mesh Workbench

The resulting shape is a collection of vertices or points, which can be used as reference to further create lines, sketches and faces with other tools, like those from the Sketcher or the Draft workbenches.


  1. Select the mesh object.
  2. Go to Part → Create points object from mesh.
  3. A shape from the mesh object is created as a separate new object.

There will be no analyzing or validating of the mesh object. Analyzing and repairing of the mesh should be done manually before conversion, if needed. Appropriate tools are available in the Mesh Workbench




