Sketcher "Переключение виртуального пространства"

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Переключение виртуального пространства

Системное название
Расположение в меню
Sketch → Виртуальное пространство эскиза → Переключение виртуального пространства
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Представлено в версии
См. также


The FreeCAD Sketcher has two virtual spaces on which constraints can be set. Usually all constraints gets set on virtual space one. You can move some constraints to virtual space two. This can help to inspect only on a few constraints at a time.


To move constraints to the other virtual space:

  1. Select constraints you want to move.
  2. Press the Switch virtual space button.

To switch the virtual space:

  1. Make sure you have no constraint selected.
  2. Press the Switch virtual space button.

Note: if you decide to set constraints on the second virtual space, don't forget about them later on if you don't see them in the 3D view.