Surface FlächeErweitern

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Surface FlächeErweitern

Surface → Extend face
Eingeführt in Version
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Surface ExtendFace extrapolates an existing face or surface at its boundaries with its local U and V parameters.

Left: original face. Right: extended face.


  1. Make sure you have an object that has faces. The object could be created with the Surface Workbench but it could also be any other object, for example, created with Part or PartDesign.
  2. Select the face to extend by clicking on it on the 3D view.
  3. Press Extend face.


This command doesn't have any options. Either it works with the selection or not.


A Surface Extend object (Surface::Extend class) is derived from the basic Part Feature (Part::Feature class, through the Part::Spline subclass), therefore it shares all the latter's properties.

In addition to the properties described in Part Feature, the Surface Filling has the following properties in the property editor.



  • DatenFace (LinkSub): the subelement from an object that will be extended; it must be a face.
  • DatenTolerance (FloatConstraint): it defaults to 0.1.
  • DatenExtend UNeg (FloatConstraint): it defaults to 0.05. The ratio of the local U parameter that will be extended in the negative direction.
  • DatenExtend UPos (FloatConstraint): it defaults to 0.05. The ratio of the local U parameter that will be extended in the positive direction.
  • DatenExtend USymetric (Bool): it defaults to true, in which case DatenExtend UNeg and DatenExtend UPos will have the same value.
  • DatenExtend VNeg (FloatConstraint): it defaults to 0.05. The ratio of the local V that will be extended in the negative direction.
  • DatenExtend VPos (FloatConstraint): it defaults to 0.05. The ratio of the local V direction that will be extended in the positive direction.
  • DatenExtend VSymetric (Bool): it defaults to true, in which case DatenExtend VNeg and DatenExtend VPos will have the same value.
  • DatenSampleU (IntegerConstraint): it defaults to 32.
  • DatenSampleV (IntegerConstraint): it defaults to 32.



  • AnsichtControl Points (Bool): it defaults to false; if set to true, it will show an overlay with the control points of the surface.


See also: FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

The Surface Extend tool can be used in macros and from the Python console by adding the Surface::Extend object.

  • The face to extend must be assigned as a LinkSub to the Face property of the object. It must contain only a single face.
import FreeCAD as App
import Draft

doc = App.newDocument()

a = App.Vector(-20, -20, 0)
b = App.Vector(-18, 25, 0)
c = App.Vector(60, 26, 0)
d = App.Vector(33, -20, 0)

points = [a, App.Vector(-20, -8, 0), b, c,
          App.Vector(37, 4, 0), d,
          App.Vector(-2, -18, 0), a]
obj = Draft.make_bspline(points)

if App.GuiUp:
    obj.ViewObject.Visibility = False

surf = doc.addObject("Surface::Filling", "Surface")
surf.BoundaryEdges = [(obj, "Edge1")]

# ---------------------------------------------------------
points_spl = [App.Vector(-10, 0, 2),
              App.Vector(4, 0, 7),
              App.Vector(18, 0, -5),
              App.Vector(25, 0, 0),
              App.Vector(30, 0, 0)]
aux_edge = Draft.make_bspline(points_spl)

surf.UnboundEdges = [(aux_edge, "Edge1")]

# ---------------------------------------------------------
surf_extended = doc.addObject("Surface::Extend", "Surface")
surf_extended.Face = [surf, "Face1"]