Video Tutorien

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Part Design

Videos, die die Modellierung verschiedener Festkörperobjekte mit Hilfe von Arbeitsbereichen wie Part, PartDesign und Skizzierer durchlaufen.

  • Invent Box Tutorials Wiedergabelisten: viele Videos von verschiedenen Designprogrammen einschließlich GIMP, Krita, Inkscape, Blender, KiCad und FreeCAD.
    • FreeCAD lernen: FreeCAD 0.17, eine Serie von 15 Videos von Invent Box Tutorials auf Englisch. Diese Serie stellt viele gängige Werkzeuge vor, die in PartDesign und der Path Workbench verwendet werden, um ein für die Fertigung geeignetes Teil zu modellieren: Skizzen, Extrudieren, Ausformen, Austragen, Spiegel, lineare und polare Muster, boolesche Operationen, Wendel, Werkzeugpfade, Taschenschneiden, Bohren, Gravieren, Nachbearbeitung und Schneiden.

FreeCAD 0.17 Tutorial , Vollversion, FreeCad (0.17) Von der Idee bis zum Druck, FreeCad 0.18 Einführung , Rundgang und erste Schritte mit PART Workbench. Englisch, FreeCAD 0.18 Einstiegs-Tutorial ( Nachbereitung ), 3D Print Workflow--freeCAD .18 --Kissslicer--Print, 3D Print Workflow--freeCAD .18 --Kissslicer--Print

FreeCAD und 3D Druck kompletter Workflow an einem Beispiel.

  • AllVisuals4U-Wiedergabelisten: verschiedene Videos über Modellierung und 3D Software, einschließlich Blender, FreeCAD und 3D Druck. Einige Videos sind möglicherweise veraltet.
    • 3D-Modellierung | KOSTENLOS: verschiedene Videos zum Thema Modellierung und 3D-Druck: FreeCAD 0.17 und 0.18, eine Serie von 22 Videos über das Modellieren von Objekten wie Schuhen, einem Speichenrad, einem Fahrradsitz, einem Eiskratzer, einer Sonnenbrille, einem Tisch, einer Gießkanne, einem Lampenschirm, einer Kehrschaufel, einer Vase für Wasser, einem Cocktailglas, einer Wanduhr, einem Stifthalter, einem bedruckbaren Stuhl, einer Geburtstagstorte und anderen. Es wird auch gezeigt, wie man Objekte für den 3D Druck modelliert und in Blender exportiert.
    • FreeCAD-Anleitungen - ALLGEMEINES: FreeCAD 0.16, eine Serie von 28 kurzen Videos zu allgemeinen Aspekten von FreeCAD; es wird z.B. gezeigt, wie man Einheiten, Hintergrundfarbe, den Startbildschirm, Einschränkungen, die perspektivische Ansicht und Transparenz einstellt, die Größe von Symbolleistensymbolen ändert, den 3D-Druck vorbereitet und Text extrudiert. Einige fortgeschrittenere Anweisungen beinhalten, wie man ein Logo entwirft, Metall biegt und zusammenbaut. Die meisten Videos beschreiben FreeCAD 0.16, aber da sie sich nicht auf Aspekte der Modellierung konzentrieren, sind die Informationen im Allgemeinen auch für andere Versionen anwendbar.
  • bavariaSHAPE - FreeCAD Practice playlists: various videos on using FreeCAD 0.17 to 0.19 with English and German annotations.
    • FreeCAD Wissenshäppchen 2018: a series of 16 short videos showing how to perform some actions: work with gears, use the M-key in the Sketcher, measure an imported STEP, set up LuxRender, prepare technical illustrations with the help of Inkscape, evaluate and repair STL files, and export STL files.
    • FreeCAD Wissenshäppchen 2019: a series of 8 short videos showing how to perform some actions: convert a hand drawn sketch into a 3D object, clean a part and maintain parametric associations, use the Placement interface, understand the projection methods in TechDraw, manage construction history in a spreadsheet, and use the Sheet Metal Workbench.
  • FreeCAD Beginners Tutorials: FreeCAD 0.17, a series of 5 videos by Eklavya Self Learning Tutorials, in English, that teach the basics of FreeCAD, such as installing, the interface, and presents basic workbenches like Draft, Arch, Part, and the Sketcher.
  • Mecatrónica LATAM playlists: various videos on using 3D modellers, including FreeCAD, in Spanish.
    • FreeCAD Tutorial: FreeCAD 0.18, a series of 7 videos showing how to model various objects: basic tubular structures, pipe connections, an open ended spanner, a bolt and a nut.
  • German_Plasma_CNC playlists for FreeCAD, CNC, G-code, Blender, and other topics. Mostly in German, some videos in English.
    • FreeCAD Deutsch 2019: a series of 53 videos in German dealing with building shapes and preparing them for CNC manufacturing. Some topics include: preparing a job, simulating, postprocessing, milling the profiles, pocketing, drilling, engraving, and editing the tools.
    • FreeCAD English: a series of 4 videos in English with some tips of working with FreeCAD.

Technical drawings

Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

Visualization and rendering

Architectural design

  • Yorik van Havre playlists: the Arch Workbench main developer has various lists on FreeCAD for building modeling as well as general architecture.
    • Presentation of FreeCAD's Arch Workbench: FreeCAD 0.16, presentation for #ODC2016PN.
    • BIM with FreeCAD - Introduction: general introduction to FreeCAD 0.17.
    • BIM with FreeCAD: FreeCAD 0.17 to 0.19, general videos on BIM and and Arch Workbench, including setup, building walls, windows, using 2D objects, and expressions.
    • Barcelona pavilion: FreeCAD 0.18 and 0.19, a series of 17 videos that describes the modeling of the "Barcelona Pavilion" (or "German Pavilion"), a building in Barcelona designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Lilly Reich in 1929. The videos demonstrate importing geometry from a DXF file, then go on to draw the walls, the windows, the glass panels, the structural elements and roofs, the floor tiles, the terrain, the footings and the stairs. Then it shows how to export the model to IFC, how to create 2D projections in TechDraw, how to work with quantities and schedules, and finally how to create a rendered view of the project in Blender.
  • Regis Nde Tene's playlists: various videos on architectural modelling using Blender and FreeCAD, by Regis Nde Tene, in English and French.
    • FreeCAD Tuts: a series of 16 videos covering a wide range of aspects of Architecture modeling including 2D plan creation, 3D modelling, using constraints, annotations, Arch spaces, rebars, exporting to PDFs, doing curtain walls, using an axis system, creating a multilayer wall, creating a wall cladding, and designing a cabinet.
    • Freecad tuto French: tutorial in French.
    • Elemental - Quinta Monroy: FreeCAD 0.17, a series of 35 videos that completely model the "Quinta Monroy" by Elemental. It starts by importing various DXF files for floor and elevation views that can be used as reference, and then proceeds to model the 3D objects such as walls, concrete structures, roofs, windows, and stairs. The series has two types of videos: long videos that show the modelling process in detail, and shorter videos that speed through the process to show the general steps taken in the long video.
    • Blender & Freecad Arch Workflow: a series of 10 videos showing how to create a building in Blender, and exporting the model to FreeCAD.
  • UH Studio Design Academy playlists: many videos on architectural design using Blender and FreeCAD, by UH Studio Design Academy.
    • Freecad: FreeCAD 0.18, a series of 7 videos that present various aspects of architectural modeling, parametric building massing, introducing FreeCAD to architects and Revit users, using sketches and parametric relationships, and comparisons with grasshopper and Catia.
    • Introduction to FreeCAD for architects and Revit users, Part 1, Part 2
  • Eklavya Self Learning Tutorials playlists: various videos on using FreeCAD, particularly focusing on architectural and civil engineering usage, by Eklavya Self Learning Tutorials.
    • Architectural BIM Modeling Course Using FreeCAD: FreeCAD 0.16, a series of 11 videos showing how to model a building including creating a slab, external walls, doors, windows, internal walls, floors, roofs, adding colors and materials, and doing rendering.
    • FreeCAD Tutorials: FreeCAD 0.16, a series of 18 videos dealing with various architectural topics like dimensioning structures, creating rebars, analyzing structures, interoperability between FreeCAD and Blender, and Revit, creating tubular structures, creating a curved terrain, using geographical data, and creating 2D architectural plans.
    • FreeCAD FEM/Civil/Structural/Arch Tutorial-1-An Introduction: FreeCAD 0.16, and introduction that builds a simple structure of pillars and beams, and analyzes them with the FEM Workbench.

Finite element (FEM) simulation


  • FreeCAD Tutorials - GENERAL by AllVisuals4U: FreeCAD 0.16, a series of 28 short videos on general aspects of FreeCAD; for example, it shows how to change units, background color, the splash screen, constraints, set perspective view, set transparency, change the size of toolbar icons, prepare for 3D print, and extrude text. Some more advanced instructions include how to do logo design, metal bending, and assembly. Most videos describe FreeCAD 0.16, but since they don't focus on modelling aspects, the information is generally applicable for other versions.

Nicht mehr aktuelle Videolinks

In FreeCAD 0.17 the PartDesign Workbench received important updates that change the way solids are created with respect to previous versions. New users should watch videos for versions 0.17 and above to understand the concept of working with a PartDesign Body and datum objects.

These videos were made for FreeCAD 0.16 and earlier. Although they may be considered obsolete, they are included here for reference as the information they contain may still be useful for intermediate and advanced users. Absolute beginners are advised to avoid these videos until they have a better understanding of modelling techniques.

  • BPLRFE playlists: these are playlists in German by the late Roland Frank (✝2017), a beloved member of the FreeCAD community.
    • FreeCAD-Tutorials (deutsch), FreeCAD 0.14 to 0.16, a series of 32 videos in German, showing how to model many different objects, and use many of the capabilities of the software. They pre-date the "Learn FreeCAD" channel videos.
    • FreeCAD-Forumsantworten, FreeCAD 0.16, a series of 27 videos in German. These videos answer questions asked in the forum.
  • Learn FreeCAD playlists: these are playlists in English by the late Roland Frank (✝2017), a beloved member of the FreeCAD community.
    • FreeCAD Lessons for Beginners (english), FreeCAD 0.14 to 0.16, a series of 13 videos in English, showing how to model many objects. These are the English versions of the "FreeCAD-Tutorials (deutsch)" videos.
    • FreeCAD- forum replies, FreeCAD 0.16, a series of 4 videos in English. These videos answer questions asked in the forum.
  • Freecad tutorial - Getting started - Tutorials / Product design: FreeCAD 0.16, a series of 42 videos by TutorialField, demonstrating how to model many different objects including a door handle, a rotary switch knob, a bottle, a door latch, a fork, a screwdriver, a hammer, a faucet, a salt shaker, a hair brush, a hunting knife, a knife holster, a car wheel rim, a bar stool, a coffee table, a caster wheel, a ballpoint pen, a spoon, a bathroom basin, a skillet, a sink strainer, and others. It also has videos explaining how to assemble independently modeled parts to create a bigger product like a pottery wheel.
  • freecadscourse playlists: some videos on FreeCAD and LibreCAD (2D) by freecadscourse.
    • freecadscourse: FreeCAD 0.16, a series of 16 videos showing how to model various objects like a corkscrew, a sprinkler system, a pocket knife, a dumbbell, a screw, a comb, a key chain, a mobile phone case, a screwdriver, and others. It also shows how to do some assemblies and drawings. Only the most recent videos use FreeCAD 0.17.
  • FreeCAD Tutorials - FEATURES: FreeCAD 0.16, a series of 35 short videos by AllVisuals4U, focusing on tools of the Part and PartDesign workbenches such as boolean, box, chamfer, cone, cylinder, draft, ellipsoid, extrude, fillet, groove, helix, line, linear pattern, loft, mirror, offset, pad, pocket, polar pattern, prism, revolve, ruled surface, sphere, spiral, sweep, thickness, torus, trim, wedge, and others.
  • cad1919 playlists: these are playlists in Japanese and English interface (no audio) to learn about various CAD systems including FreeCAD.
    • Free CAD : Getting started (入門): FreeCAD 0.15 and 0.16, a series of 20 videos to learn about FreeCAD, the Sketcher, constraints, and modelling parts.
    • FreeCAD Mechanical drawing: FreeCAD 0.15 and 0.16, a series of 27 videos to learn about mechanical design, including modelling, assembly, and producing technical drawings.
    • FreeCAD tutorial: FreeCAD 0.14 to 0.16, a series of 46 videos to learn many things about FreeCAD including modelling, technical drawings, sheet metal, exploding animation, assembly, and macros.
    • FreeCAD: FreeCAD 0.15 and 0.16, a series of 79 videos to learn modelling in FreeCAD, including complex assemblies like a universal joint, a gear pump, a safety valve, a hand crank, and a bench vice. These projects are developed over several videos.
  • John Durston playlists: these are playlists in English by John Durston.
    • Designing a bicycle FreeCAD 0.12, a series of 5 videos explaining how to design a bicycle frame, the rims, and tires, using the Sketcher and PartDesign.
    • FreeCAD TurboTutes: FreeCAD 0.12 and 0.13, a series of 5 short videos explaining how to perform some modelling actions, holes, pads, booleans, degrees of freedom, and alignment.