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From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 04:50, 10 April 2013 by Normandc (talk | contribs) (Created page with "FreeCAD manualen är ett pågående arbete av communityn för att få förstklassig dokumentation om hur man använder FreeCAD, och den finns redan på några språk. den sakn...")

This is the documentation wiki of FreeCAD



FreeCAD manualen är ett pågående arbete av communityn för att få förstklassig dokumentation om hur man använder FreeCAD, och den finns redan på några språk. den saknar fortfarande mycket information, så känn dig fri att gå med och bidra!

Get involved

How to participate

There is plenty to do inside the FreeCAD project, if you are interested in helping us. There are programming tasks, for C++ or python programmers, but there are also many things you can do even if you cannot code, such as writing documentation, helping newcomers, translating the application and documentation, help packaging the latest release of FreeCAD for your favourite operating system, or simply help other people to discover FreeCAD around you. The help FreeCAD page describes it all with more details.

Source code

FreeCAD can be compiled using cMake or autotools, the git link is git:// and there are build instructions for Windows, Unix/Linux and MacOSX.

About the development

Check the Development roadmap for news about what is being planned, the Changelog and Roadmap mantis pages to see the progresses towards next release, or the Project statistics for even more information about the FreeCAD codebase. All the development communication happens on the forum, so be sure to visit it if you are interested in participating.