Kompilierung (Beschleunigung)

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 20:22, 19 November 2019 by Maker (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== CCache == Installiere {{incode|ccache}} um die Erstellung zwischenzuspeichern.")

FreeCAD ist eine große Anwendung, die zwischen 10 Minuten und einer Stunde dauern kann, um vollständig aus dem Quellcode kompiliert zu werden. Dies hängt in erster Linie von der CPU ab, die Du hast, und der Anzahl der Kerne, die für den Kompilierungsprozess verwendet werden. Hier sind einige Tipps, um diesen Prozess zu verkürzen und die Erstellungszeiten zu verkürzen.


Installiere ccache um die Erstellung zwischenzuspeichern.

Disable modules

When using cmake to configure the build, you can disable the compilation of certain workbenches that you may not need at the moment. This is useful if you only need to test a few workbenches.

For example, to avoid building the FEM and Mesh workbenches:

cmake -DBUILD_FEM=OFF -DBUILD_MESH=OFF ../freecad-source

Use cmake-gui, cmake-curses-gui, or cmake-qt-gui to display all the possible variables that can be edited in the configuration; using these interfaces you can easily switch on or off different workbenches.

Number of jobs in parallel

After configuring with cmake, the make program launches the actual C++ compiler to work on the source code files. You can speed up compilation by working on various files at the same time. This is achieved with the -j option of make, which denotes the number of "jobs" or compilation commands that are run simultaneously. This option is an integer number.

Run four compilation commands in parallel:

make -j4

Compile as many files in parallel as the number of CPU cores in your system. This is useful if you have many cores and want to use them all to compile the software.

make -j$(nproc)

Compile as many files in parallel as the number of CPU cores in your system, minus two. Use this so that your system is still responsive to do some other task; for example, two cores will allow you to use a browser, while the rest of the cores keep compiling the software on the background.

make -j$(nproc --ignore=2)


The distcc program can be used to perform distributed compilation of C and C++ code across several machines in a network.