Sketcher Парабола

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Sketcher Дуга по параболе

Системное название
Sketcher Arc of parabola
Расположение в меню
Эскиз → Геометрия эскиза → Дуга по параболе
Быстрые клавиши
Представлено в версии
См. также
Sketcher Arc of Ellipse, Sketcher Arc of hyperbola


This tool creates an arc of parabola by focus, vertex and endpoints.

How to use

  1. Press the Create an arc of parabola button.
  2. Click in the 3D view to define the focus point (labelled 1 in the picture above).
  3. Click in the 3D view to define the tip of the arc of hyperbola (labelled 2 in the picture above).
  4. Click in the 3D view to define the first end point (labelled 3 in the picture above).
  5. Click a fourth time in the 3D view to define the other end point (labelled 4 in the picture above).