Mesh: Esporta

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Esporta mesh

Posizione nel menu
Mesh → Esporta mesh...
Avvio veloce
Introdotto nella versione
Vedere anche
Esporta, Importazione e Esportazione


Il comando Esporta mesh esporta un oggetto mesh in un formato file mesh. Sono supportati diversi formati di file.


  1. Select a single mesh object.
  2. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the Mesh Export button.
    • Select the Meshes → Export mesh... option from the menu.
    • Select the Export mesh... option from the Tree view context menu or 3D view context menu.
  3. Select the correct file format in the dialog box.
  4. Enter a filename. If you have selected the All files (*.*) option in the previous step, and do not specify a file extension here, the .stl extension will be used.
  5. Press the Save button.


  • Press Esc or the Cancel button to abort the command.


  • There are some export preferences related to Mesh Formats but these do not apply to this command. They are used by the Std Export command.


  • The last used file location is stored: Tools → Edit parameters... → BaseApp → Preferences → General → FileOpenSavePath.


See also: FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

To export objects (including mesh objects) to a mesh file format use the export method of the Mesh module.

import FreeCAD
import Mesh

doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument

Mesh.export([doc.Cone, doc.Cylinder], 'D:/testfiles/mymodel.stl')