Surface Sections/it: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Emphasis|Vedere anche:}} Script di base per FreeCAD")
(Created page with "* {{PropertyData|NSections|LinkSubList}}: un elenco di bordi che verranno utilizzati per costruire la curva.")
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* {{PropertyData|NSections|LinkSubList}}: a list of edges that will be used to build the curve.
* {{PropertyData|NSections|LinkSubList}}: un elenco di bordi che verranno utilizzati per costruire la curva.


Revision as of 21:37, 3 October 2020

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Surface Sections

Posizione nel menu
Surface → Sections...
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Lo strumento Surface Sections viene utilizzato per creare una superficie dai bordi che rappresentano sezioni trasversali di una superficie.

A sinistra: i bordi di controllo (sezioni trasversali). A destra: la superficie prodotta da questi bordi.


  1. Make sure you have at lease two edges or curves in space. For example, these can be created with tools of the Draft Workbench or the Sketcher.
  2. Press the Surface sections button.
  3. Press Add edge.
  4. Use the pointer to pick the desired edges in the 3D view; a preview of the final shape will be shown after selecting two valid edges.
  5. Press OK to complete the operation.


  • Add edge: press once to start picking edges in the 3D view. Individual lines such as Draft BSplines and Sketcher BSplines can be chosen, as well as any edge from solid objects, like those of PartDesign Bodies and Part Primitives.
  • Remove edge: press once to start picking edges in the 3D view; these must be edges that were previously picked with Add edge.
  • Right mouse button: open the context menu and select Remove, or press Del in the keyboard, to remove the currently selected edge in the list.
  • Drag: drag the currently selected element in the list in order to change the order in which it will be processed; the list is processed from top to bottom.
  • Press Cancel or Esc to abort the current operation.


Una Surface Sections (classe Surface::Sections) è derivato dalla base Part Feature (classe Part::Feature, attraverso la sottoclasse Part::Spline), quindi condivide tutte le proprietà di quest'ultima.

Oltre alle proprietà descritte in Part Feature, Surface Sections ha le seguenti proprietà nell'editor delle proprietà.



  • DatiNSections (LinkSubList): un elenco di bordi che verranno utilizzati per costruire la curva.



  • VistaControl Points (Bool): il valore predefinito è FALSE; se impostato su TRUE, mostrerà una sovrapposizione con i punti di controllo della superficie.


Vedere anche: Script di base per FreeCAD

The Surface Sections tool can be used in macros and from the Python console by adding the Surface::Sections object.

  • The edges to be used to define the surface must be assigned as a LinkSubList to the NSections property of the object.
  • All objects with edges need to be computed before they can be used as input for the properties of the Sections object.
import FreeCAD as App
import Draft

doc = App.newDocument()

pl1 = App.Placement()
obj1 = Draft.make_circle(50, placement=pl1, face=False, startangle=0, endangle=180)

pl2 = App.Placement(App.Vector(0, 0, 25), App.Rotation())
obj2 = Draft.make_circle(30, placement=pl2, face=False, startangle=0, endangle=180)

points3 = [App.Vector(18, -10, 50),
           App.Vector(12, 10, 50),
           App.Vector(-12, 10, 50),
           App.Vector(-18, -10, 50)]
obj3 = Draft.make_bspline(points3)

points4 = [App.Vector(15, -20, 100),
           App.Vector(0, 6, 100),
           App.Vector(-15, -20, 100)]
obj4 = Draft.make_bspline(points4)

surf = doc.addObject("Surface::Sections", "Surface")
surf.NSections = [(obj1, "Edge1"),
                  (obj2, "Edge1"),
                  (obj3, "Edge1"),
                  (obj4, "Edge1")]