Assembly3 MovePart/ru

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Revision as of 18:54, 10 October 2022 by Baritone (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Docnav/ru |Quick solve |Axial move |Assembly3 |IconL=Assembly_QuickSolve.svg |IconR=Assembl...")

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Other languages:

Assembly3 MovePart

Системное название
Assembly3 MovePart
Расположение в меню
Assembly3 → Move part
Быстрые клавиши
A then M
Представлено в версии
См. также


The Move part command provides a tool to move a part within an assembly context.
It consists of 3 rings to rotate the part and 6 handles (crossed double arrows) to move the part without rotation.
The rings and handles are positioned and oriented according to the selected object's implicit coordinate system (ICS).


  1. Select either a face, an edge, or a vertex of the 3D part or the whole part in the assembly tree.
  2. Activate the Move part command using one of the following:
    • The Move part button.
    • The Assembly3 → Move part menu option.
    • The keyboard shortcut: A then M.
  3. Drag the rings and handles to reposition the part.
  4. Press Esc to fix the position and leave the tool.


The handles move the part parallel to one of the basic planes of the selected object's ICS; pressing and holding shift while dragging limits the movement to one axis.