
From FreeCAD Documentation
This page is a translated version of the page Workbenches and the translation is 17% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

FreeCad和許多現代設計應用程序一樣,如RevitCATIA,都基於 工作檯的概念。工作檯可以看作是為某個任務專門歸類的一組工具。在一個傳統的家具車間裡,你會有一張工作檯給木材工人,另一張給金屬件工人,也許還有第三張給把所有零件組裝在一起的工人。







  • Std Base. This is not really a workbench, but rather a category of 'standard' commands and tools that can be used in all workbenches.
  • The BIM Workbench for working with architectural elements and creating BIM models. It combines the Arch Workbench and the formerly external BIM Workbench available in version 0.21 and below.
  • The CAM Workbench is used to produce G-Code instructions. This workbench was called "Path Workbench" in version 0.21 and below.
  • The FEM Workbench provides Finite Element Analysis (FEA) workflow.
  • The Inspection Workbench is made to give you specific tools for examination of shapes. Still in the early stages of development.
  • The Part Workbench for working with geometric primitives and boolean operations.
  • The Reverse Engineering Workbench is intended to provide specific tools to convert shapes/solids/meshes into parametric FreeCAD-compatible features.


The following workbenches are no longer included after version 0.21:

  • The Start Workbench allows you to quickly jump to one of the most common workbenches.

The following workbenches are no longer included after version 0.20:



外部工作檯頁面列出了該社區已知的所有內容。 大多數功能都可以使用菜單 工具 → 插件管理器下的插件管理器從FreeCAD輕鬆安裝。