가져오기 내보내기(Import Export)

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 15:58, 30 December 2020 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)


This page lists the various file formats that FreeCAD can import and export. For completeness the FreeCAD native format is included in the list. Some formats have a related wiki page that can be reached by clicking on the extension in the first column.


See the following pages for additional information:

Overview of file formats

Format Description Import / Open Export / Create
*.FCStd FreeCAD native format Std Open, Std MergeProjects Std Save
*.cam FreeCAD frozen views (camera settings) Std FreezeViews Std FreezeViews
*.FCMacro FreeCAD macro (Python code) Std Import Std DlgMacroRecord
*.FCMat FreeCAD material card Std Import no
*.FCParam FreeCAD parameter file Std DlgParameter Std DlgParameter
*.FCScript FreeCAD script (Python code) Std Import Std DlgMacroRecord
*.3ds 3D Studio mesh Std Import no
*.amf Additive manufacturing format no Std Export
*.asc Point cloud format Std Import, Points Import Std Export, Points Export
*.ast ASCII Stereolithography mesh (mostly used for 3D printing) Std Import, Mesh Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.asy Asymptote code no Mesh Export
*.bdf FEM mesh Std Import no
*.bdf Nastran mesh no Mesh Export
*.bmp Image format Image CreateImagePlane, Std Import Std ViewScreenShot
*.bms Binary mesh Std Import, Mesh Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.brep OpenCasCade native format Std Import, Part Import Std Export, Part Export
*.brp OpenCasCade native format Std Import, Part Import Std Export, Part Export
*.cnc G-code Std Import Path Post
*.csg OpenSCAD Constructive Solid Geometry format Std Import Std Export
*.csv Comma-separated values spreadsheet Std Import, Spreadsheet Import Spreadsheet Export
*.cur Image format Image CreateImagePlane Std ViewScreenShot
*.dae Collada format. For Linux users: External pyCollada module required. Std Import Std Export
*.dat Common airfoil data Std Import no
*.dat FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.dwg AutoCAD native format. Only 2D geometry is supported. External software required. Std Import Std Export
*.dxf Autodesk drawing exchange format. Only 2D geometry is supported. External software required for the legacy python importer and the legacy python exporter. Std Import Std Export, TechDraw ExportPageDXF
*.emn IDF format Std Import no
*.frd FEM result CalculiX Std Import no
*.gc G-code Std Import Path Post
*.gcad Open CAD format (obsolete, 2D-only format) Std Import no
*.gcode G-code Std Import Path Post
*.gif Image format Image CreateImagePlane no
*.glb GL Transmission Format no Std Export
*.gltf GL Transmission Format no Std Export
*.html WebGL file Std Import Std Export
*.icns Image format Image CreateImagePlane Std ViewScreenShot
*.ico Image format Image CreateImagePlane Std ViewScreenShot
*.ifc Industry Foundation Classes exchange format for BIM models. For Linux users: External IfcOpenShell module required. Std Import Std Export
*.ifcJSON Industry Foundation Classes exchange format for BIM models. For Linux users: External IfcOpenShell module required. no Std Export
*.iges Older solid-based format Std Import, Part Import Std Export, Part Export
*.igs Older solid-based format Std Import, Part Import Std Export, Part Export
*.inc Povray format Std Import no
*.inp FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.iv Inventor V2.1 format Std Import, Mesh Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.jpeg Image format Image CreateImagePlane Std ViewScreenShot
*.jpg Image format Image CreateImagePlane, Std Import Std ViewScreenShot
*.json FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.json JavaScript Object Notation no Std Export
*.json Path tool Path ToolLibraryEdit Path ToolLibraryEdit
*.med FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.meshjson FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.meshpy FEM mesh no Std Export
*.meshyaml FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.nas Nastran mesh no Mesh Export
*.nc G-code Std Import Path Post
*.ncc G-code Std Import Path Post
*.ngc G-code Std Import Path Post
*.obj Alias mesh Std Import, Mesh Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.obj Wavefront format Std Import Std Export
*.oca Open CAD format (obsolete, 2D-only format) Std Import Std Export
*.off Object file format mesh Std Import, Mesh Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.pbm Image format Image CreateImagePlane Std ViewScreenShot
*.pcd Point cloud format Std Import, Points Import Std Export, Points Export
*.pdf Portable Document Format no Std Export, Std PrintPdf
*.pgm Image format Image CreateImagePlane Std ViewScreenShot
*.plmxml Siemens PLM format Std Import no
*.ply Point cloud format Std Import, Points Import Std Export, Points Export
*.ply Stanford triangle mesh format Std Import, Mesh Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.png Image format Image CreateImagePlane, Std Import Std ViewScreenShot
*.poly FEM mesh TetGen no Std Export
*.pov Povray format Std Import Raytracing WriteCamera, Raytracing WritePart, Raytracing WriteView
*.ppm Image format Image CreateImagePlane Std ViewScreenShot
*.py Python code Std Import Std DlgMacroRecord
*.py Python module def no Mesh Export
*.scad OpenSCAD format. External software required for import. Std Import Std Export
*.shp GIS shapefile Std Import no
*.smf Simple model format Std Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.src KRL robot trajectory no Robot ExportKukaCompact, Robot ExportKukaFull
*.step Exchange format for engineering models Std Import, Part Import Std Export, Part Export
*.stl FEM mesh no Std Export
*.stl Stereolithography mesh (mostly used for 3D printing) Std Import, Mesh Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.stp Exchange format for engineering models Std Import, Part Import Std Export, Part Export
*.stpz Compressed STEP Std Import Std Export
*.svg Scalable vector graphics format Std Import Std Export, TechDraw ExportPageSVG
*.tap G-code Std Import Path Post
*.tga Image format Image CreateImagePlane no
*.tif Image format Image CreateImagePlane Std ViewScreenShot
*.tiff Image format Image CreateImagePlane Std ViewScreenShot
*.tooltable Path tool Path ToolLibraryEdit Path ToolLibraryEdit
*i1.txt FEM mesh Z88 Std Import Std Export
*o2.txt FEM result Z88 displacements Std Import no
*.unv FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.vrml VRML Web 3D format Std Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.vtk FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.vtk FEM result VTK Std Import Std Export
*.vtu FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.vtu FEM result VTK Std Import Std Export
*.wbmp Image format Image CreateImagePlane Std ViewScreenShot
*.webp Image format Image CreateImagePlane Std ViewScreenShot
*.wrl VRML Web 3D format Std Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.wrl.gz VRML Web 3D format Std Import Std Export
*.wrz VRML Web 3D format Std Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.x3d X3D extensible 3D no Std Export, Mesh Export
*.x3dz Compressed X3D no Std Export, Mesh Export
*.xbm Image format Image CreateImagePlane Std ViewScreenShot
*.xdmf FEM mesh Fenics Std Import Std Export
*.xhtml WebGL/X3D Std Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.xlsx Excel / Office Open XML spreadsheet Std Import no
*.xml FEM mesh Fenics Std Import Std Export
*.xml Path tool Path ToolLibraryEdit Path ToolLibraryEdit
*.xpm Image format Image CreateImagePlane, Std Import Std ViewScreenShot
*.yaml FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.z88 FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.zip SweetHome3D XML Std Import no
job_*.json Path job template Path Job Path ExportTemplate