Draft Arc

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Draft Arc

Draft -> Arc
Draft, Arch
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Draft Circle


Detta verktyg ritar en cirkelbåge genom att välja fyra punkter: centrum, radien, startvinkel och slutvinkel.

This tool works the same way as the Draft Circle tool, but adds start and end angles. To draw an elliptical arc use Draft Ellipse. You can also approximate a circular arc using the Draft BSpline and Draft BezCurve tools.


  • Markera punkter i ett tomt område i 3d vyn, eller på ett existernade objekt.
  • Cirkelbågsverktyget ärver Cirkelverktygets funktionalitet för de två första stegen, så du kan trycka på ALT för att välja en tangent istället för centrum eller radie.
  • Nedtryckning av CTRL kommer att snäppa din punkt till tillgängliga snäpp-punkter.
  • Nedtryckning av SKIFT kommer att begränsa din nya punkt i relation till föregående punkt.
  • Skriv in siffror för att manuellt mata in en koordinat.
  • Den skapade cirkelbågen kommer att ha nuvarande linjestil.
  • Nedtryckning av ALT när du väljer slutvinkeln kommer att ändra riktningen till moturs.
  • Om du trycker på ESC så avbryts funktionen.

The arc can be edited by double clicking on the element in the tree view, or by pressing the Draft Edit button. Then you can move the center point to a new position.

The arc can be turned into a circle after creation, by setting its first angle and last angle properties to the same value.


  • The primary use of the arc tool is by picking four points: the centre, a point on the circumference, the start of the arc, and its end.
    • By pressing Alt, you can select a tangent instead of picking point, to define the base circle of the arc. You can therefore construct several types of circles by selecting one, two or three tangents.
  • The direction of the arc depends on the movement you are doing with your mouse. If you start to move clockwise after the third point is entered, your arc will go clockwise. To go counter-clockwise, simply move your mouse back over the third point, until the arc starts drawing in the other direction.
  • To enter coordinates manually, simply enter the numbers, then press Enter between each X, Y and Z component. You can press the add point button when you have the desired values to insert the point.
  • Press T or click the checkbox to toggle continue mode. If continue mode is on, the Arc tool will restart after you finish the arc, allowing you to draw another one without pressing the tool button again.
  • Hold Ctrl while drawing to force snapping your point to the nearest snap location, independently of the distance.
  • Hold Shift while drawing to constrain your point horizontally or vertically in relation to the center.
  • Press Esc or the Close button to abort the current command.


An Arc object shares all properties from a Draft Circle, but some properties only make sense for the circle.


  • DataFirst Angle: specifies the angle of the first point of the arc.
  • DataLast Angle: specifies the angle of the last point of the arc.
  • DataRadius: specifies the radius of the arc.
  • DataMake Face: specifies if the arc makes a face or not. This property only works if the shape is a full circle.
To make an arc a full circle set the DataFirst Angle and DataLast Angle to the same value. The values 0° and 360° aren't considered the same, so if these two values are used, the circle will not form a face.


  • VyPattern: specifies a Draft Pattern with which to fill the face of the arc. This property only works if the arc is a full circle, and if DataMake Face is true, and if VyDisplay Mode is "Flat Lines".
  • VyPattern Size: specifies the size of the Draft Pattern.


See also: Draft API and FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

The Arc tool can be used in macros and from the Python console by using the same function to create circles, with additional arguments. See the information in Draft Circle.


import Draft

Arc1 = Draft.makeCircle(200, startangle=0, endangle=90)
Arc2 = Draft.makeCircle(500, startangle=20, endangle=160)
Arc3 = Draft.makeCircle(750, startangle=-30, endangle=-150)