Borrador Arreglo

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Este comando está obsoleto en 0.19. Para el nuevo uso, vea Borrador ArregloOrtográfica, que funciona esencialmente de la misma manera. Vea también Borrador ArregloPolar y Borrador ArregloCircular.

Draft Array

Menu location
Borrador → Arreglo
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Borrador ArregloPolar , Borrador ArregloCircular, Borrador ArregloTrayectorias, Borrador ArregloPuntos, Borrador Clon


La Borrador Arreglo herramienta crea matrices ortogonalea (3 ejes) o polares a partir de los objetos seleccionados. Si no se selecciona ningún objeto, te solicitará que selecciones uno.

This tool can be used on 2D shapes created with the Draft Workbench but can also be used on many types of 3D objects such as those created with the Part Workbench or PartDesign Workbench.

To create polar and circular arrays directly, use the corresponding PolarArray and CircularArray tools; to position copies along a path use PathArray; to position copies at specified points use PointArray; to create copies or clones, and manually place them use Move, Rotate, and Clone.

To create App Links instead of simple copies, use LinkArray, Path LinkArray, and the proper option with PolarArray and CircularArray .

Circular array from a solid object


  1. Selecciona un objeto a partir del que desees crear una matriz
  2. Presiona el botón Matriz

Each element in the array is an exact clone of the original object, but the entire array is considered a single unit in terms of properties and appearance.


There are no options for this tool. Either it works with the selected object or not.


  • DatosBase: specifies the object to duplicate in the array.
  • DatosArray Type (Enumeration): specifies the type of array to create, "ortho", "polar", or "circular".
  • DatosFuse: if it is true, and the copies intersect with each other, they will be fused together into a single shape.

For orthogonal arrays:

  • DatosInterval X: specifies the interval between each copy on the X axis.
  • DatosInterval Y: specifies the interval between each copy on the Y axis.
  • DatosInterval Z: specifies the interval between each copy on the Z axis.
  • DatosNumber X: specifies the number of copies on the X axis.
  • DatosNumber Y: specifies the number of copies on the Y axis.
  • DatosNumber Z: specifies the number of copies on the Z axis.

For polar arrays:

  • DatosAxis: specifies the normal direction of the array circle.
  • DatosCenter: specifies the center point of the array circle.
  • DatosAngle: specifies the aperture of the circular arc to cover with copies; use 360 to cover an entire circle.
  • DatosNumber Polar: specifies the number of copies to place in the circular arrangement.
  • DatosInterval Axis: specifies the interval between each copy on the DatosAxis direction.

For circular arrays:

  • DatosNumber Circles:
  • DatosRadial distance:
  • DatosSymmetry:
  • DatosTangential Distance:

The number property, either X, Y, Z, or Polar, also includes the original object, so this number will be at least one.

An interval is not a simple distance, but a vector (x, y, z). If more than one value is non-zero, the copy will be created in the main direction, but will also be displaced in the other non-zero directions.

For example, if DatosInterval X is (2 m, 1 m, 1 m), and DatosNumber X is 3, it will create 3 copies in the X direction; the first copy will be at the original position, the second will be displaced 2 m on X, 1 m on Y, and 1 m on Z; the third copy will be displaced 4 m on X, 2 m on Y, and 2 m on Z. Each array element will be moved slightly to one side (Y direction) and up (Z direction) beside the main X direction.

The DatosInterval Axis property works in the same way. If the original shape lies on the XY plane, creating a polar array with DatosInterval Axis (0, 0, z) allows you to make spiral arrangements.


See also: Draft API and FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

The Array tool can be used in macros and from the Python console by using two different functions, depending on if you wish to obtain standalone copies of your base object, or a parametric array object that stays linked to the original object.


  • La matriz se inicia como ortogonal por defecto, puedes cambiar su modo en las propiedades.
array_list = array(objectslist, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4=None, arg5=None, arg6=None)

To create a rectangular array, use it like this:

array_list = array(objectslist, xvector, yvector, xnum, ynum)
array_list = array(objectslist, xvector, yvector, zvector, xnum, ynum, znum)


  • DatosArray Type: Especifica el tipo de matriz orto o polar
array_list = array(objectslist, center, totalangle, totalnum)


This function internally uses Draft.move() and Draft.rotate() with copy=True.


import FreeCAD, Draft

Rect = Draft.makeRectangle(1500, 500)

array_list = Draft.array(Rect, FreeCAD.Vector(1600, 0, 0), FreeCAD.Vector(0, 600, 0), 3, 4)

Para matrices polares:

  • DatosAxis: La dirección normal a la circunferencia de la matriz
  • DatosCenter: El punto centro de la matriz
  • DatosAngle: El ángulo a cubrir con las copias
  • DatosNumber Polar: El número de copias

The basic signature is as follows:

Array = makeArray(baseobject, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4=None, arg5=None, arg6=None, name="Array")

Para matrices ortogonales:

Array = makeArray(baseobject, xvector, yvector, xnum, ynum, name="Array")
Array = makeArray(baseobject, xvector, yvector, zvector, xnum, ynum, znum, name="Array")

Archivos de guión

La herramienta Matriz se puede utilizar en macros y desde la consola de Python utilizando la siguiente función:

Array = makeArray(baseobject, center, totalangle, totalnum, name="Array")

Para matrices ortogonales:

Para matrices polares:

import FreeCAD, Draft

Rect = Draft.makeRectangle(1500, 500)
xvector = FreeCAD.Vector(1600, 0, 0)
yvector = FreeCAD.Vector(0, 600, 0)
Array = Draft.makeArray(Rect, xvector, yvector, 3, 4)

Tri = Draft.makePolygon(3, 600)
center = FreeCAD.Vector(-1600, 0, 0)
Array2 = Draft.makeArray(Tri, center, 360, 6)