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Revision as of 08:23, 29 September 2017 by Starofrainnight (talk | contribs)




FreeCAD 是面向 CAD/CAE 的参数化建模应用程序。它主要用于机械设计,还可用于您需要精确建模3D对象并控制建模历史的所有其他用途。

FreeCAD 仍处于开发的早期阶段,所以尽管已经提供了大量(并且不断增长)的 特性 列表,但仍然缺少很多,特别是将其与商业解决方案进行比较,您可能会发现它未开发到足以用于生产环境。然而,有一个快速增长的社区热心的用户,你可以找到使用FreeCAD开发高质量项目的 许多例子

像所有的开放源码项目一样,FreeCAD 项目不是开发人员向您发送的单向工作。它取决于其社区的成长,获取功能和稳定(修复错误)。所以当开始使用 FreeCAD 的时候不要忘记这个,如果你喜欢,可以直接影响和帮助项目!


首先(如果还没有完成)下载并安装FreeCAD。有关如何安装FreeCAD的信息,请参阅下载页面了解有关当前版本和更新的信息,以及安装页面。有安装包可用于 Windows(.msi)、Ubuntu、Debian(.deb)、openSUSE(.rpm)和Mac OSX。 FreeCAD是开源的,如果你是喜欢冒险的,想看看现在开发的全新功能,你还可以自己抓取源代码和编译 FreeCAD。

探索 FreeCAD


  1. 3D视图,显示文档的内容
  2. 树视图,显示文档中所有对象的层次结构和构造历史
  3. 属性编辑器,允许您查看和修改所选对象的属性
  4. 报表视图(或输出窗口),这是FreeCAD打印消息,警告和错误的地方
  5. python控制台,其中打印所有由FreeCAD执行的命令,以及可以在那里输入python代码
  6. 工作台选择器,您可以在其中选择活动的工作台

FreeCAD接口背后的主要概念是将它分成工作台。工作台是适用于特定任务的工具集合,例如使用网格或绘图2D对象约束草图。您可以使用工作台选择器切换当前的工作台 (6)。您可以通过自定义每个工作台中包含的工具,从其他工作台中添加工具,甚至自行创建的工具,我们称之为。广泛使用的起点是零件设计工作台零件工作台


起始中心允许您快速跳转到最常见的工作台之一,打开最近的文件之一,或查看 FreeCAD 世界的最新消息。您可以在首选项中更改默认工作台。



Template:CAD 导航


与 FreeCAD 的第一步


您将在FreeCAD中开始使用的工作台取决于您需要做的工作类型:如果要使用机械模型,或者更常用的任何小型对象,则可能需要尝试零件设计工作台。如果您将在2D中工作,则如果需要约束,则切换到草图工作台草绘工作台。如果你想做BIM,启动建筑工作台。如果您正在使用船舶设计,那么您将会有一个特殊的船舶工作台。如果您来自OpenSCAD世界,请尝试OpenSCAD 工作台


在 零件设计工作台 和 素描工作台 中工作


零件设计工作台大量使用另一个工作台,草绘工作台。草绘器允许您绘制2D形状,通过将约束应用于 2D 形状来定义。例如,您可以绘制一个矩形,并通过将长度约束应用于其中一边来设置边的大小。那边那边不能再调整大小了(除非修改了约束)。


  1. Create a new sketch
  2. Draw a closed shape (make sure all points are joined)
  3. Close the sketch
  4. Expand the sketch into a 3D solid by using the pad tool
  5. Select one face of the solid
  6. Create a second sketch (this time it will be drawn on the selected face)
  7. Draw a closed shape
  8. Close the sketch
  9. Create a pocket from the second sketch, on the first object

Which gives you an object like this:

At any moment, you can select the original sketches and modify them, or change the extrusion parameters of the pad or pocket operations, which will update the final object.

Working with the Draft and Arch workbenches

The Draft Workbench and Arch Workbench behave a bit differently than the other workbenches above, although they follow the same rules, which are common to all of FreeCAD. In short, while the Sketcher and PartDesign are made primarily to design single pieces, Draft and Arch are made to ease your work when working with several, simpler objects.

The Draft Workbench offers you 2D tools a bit similar to what you can find in traditional 2D CAD applications such as AutoCAD. However, 2D drafting being far away from the scope of FreeCAD, don't expect to find there the full array of tools that these dedicated applications offer. Most of the Draft tools work not only in a 2D plane but also in the full 3D space, and benefit from special helper systems such as Work planes and object snapping.

The Arch Workbench adds BIM tools to FreeCAD, allowing you to build architectural models with parametric objects. The Arch workbench relies much on other modules such as Draft and Sketcher. All the Draft tools are also present in the Arch workbench, and most Arch tools make use of the Draft helper systems.

A typical workflow with Arch and Draft workbenches might be:

  1. Draw a couple of lines with the Draft Line tool
  2. Select each line and press the Wall tool to build a wall on each of them
  3. Join the walls by selecting them and pressing the Arch Add tool
  4. Create a floor object, and move your walls in it from the Tree view
  5. Create a building object, and move your floor in it from the Tree view
  6. Create a window by clicking the Window tool, select a preset in its panel, then click on a face of a wall
  7. Add dimensions by first setting the working plane if necessary, then using the Draft Dimension tool

Which will give you this:

More on the Tutorials page.


And finally, one of the most powerful features of FreeCAD is the scripting environment. From the integrated python console (or from any other external Python script), you can gain access to almost any part of FreeCAD, create or modify geometry, modify the representation of those objects in the 3D scene or access and modify the FreeCAD interface. Python scripting can also be used in macros, which provide an easy method to create custom commands.

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