Dialog creation setting colors/it: Difference between revisions

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==Use QColorDialog to create a palette of colors (standard and custom)==
==Usare QColorDialog per creare una tavolozza di colori (standard e personalizzati)

This example modify the Standard color and the Customize color with the Tango FreeCAD guide.
This example modify the Standard color and the Customize color with the Tango FreeCAD guide.

Revision as of 21:27, 4 August 2020

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Questo è un esempio di creazione di dialoghi con PySide.

In questo esempio, l'intera interfaccia è definita in Python. Sebbene ciò sia possibile per interfacce di piccole dimensioni, per le interfacce più grandi si raccomanda di creare i file .ui tramite Qt Designer e caricarli nel programma. Vedere Creazione di una interfaccia con dei file UI.

Usare QColorDialog per ottenere un colore

Codice completo:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# https://deptinfo-ensip.univ-poitiers.fr/ENS/pyside-docs/PySide/QtGui/QColor.html
import PySide
from PySide import QtGui ,QtCore
from PySide.QtGui import *
from PySide.QtCore import *
path = FreeCAD.ConfigGet("UserAppData")

couleur = QtGui.QColorDialog.getColor()
if couleur.isValid():
    red   = int(str(couleur.name()[1:3]),16)    # decode hexadecimal to int()
    green = int(str(couleur.name()[3:5]),16)    # decode hexadecimal to int()
    blue  = int(str(couleur.name()[5:7]),16)    # decode hexadecimal to int()

    print(couleur)                              # 
    print("hexadecimal ",couleur.name())        # color format hexadecimal mode 16
    print("Red   color ",red)                   # color format decimal
    print("Green color ",green)                 # color format decimal
    print("Blue  color ",blue)                  # color format decimal

==Usare QColorDialog per creare una tavolozza di colori (standard e personalizzati) ==

This example modify the Standard color and the Customize color with the Tango FreeCAD guide.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# https://deptinfo-ensip.univ-poitiers.fr/ENS/pyside-docs/PySide/QtGui/QColor.html
import PySide
from PySide import QtGui ,QtCore
from PySide.QtGui import *
from PySide.QtCore import *

##        Window colors organisation         ##
##        __________________________         ##
## StandardColor:                            ##
##                                           ##
##           Colonnes:                       ##
##           1:  2:  3:  4:  5:  6:  7:  8:  ##
##          _______________________________  ##
## Line 1:   0   6   12  18  24  30  36  42  ##
## Line 2:   1   7   13  19  25  31  37  43  ##
## Line 3:   2   8   14  20  26  32  38  44  ##
## Line 4:   3   9   15  21  27  33  39  45  ##
## Line 5:   4   10  16  22  28  34  40  46  ##
## Line 6:   5   11  17  23  29  35  41  47  ##
##                                           ##
## CustomColor:                              ##
##                                           ##
##           Colonnes:                       ##
##           1:  2:  3:  4:  5:  6:  7:  8:  ##
##          _______________________________  ##
## Line 1:   0   2   4   6   8   10  12  14  ##
## Line 2:   1   3   5   7   9   11  13  15  ##
##                                           ##

color_Dialog   = QtGui.QColorDialog()
# FreeCAD-Tango
# Customize the colors in the standard box (in numeric mode)
#### Dialog line 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 0, QtGui.QColor(252, 233,  79 , 0).rgba())    # Butte 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 6, QtGui.QColor(237, 212,   0 , 0).rgba())    # Butte 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(12, QtGui.QColor(196, 160,   0 , 0).rgba())    # Butte 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(18, QtGui.QColor( 48,  43,   0 , 0).rgba())    # Butte 4

color_Dialog.setStandardColor(24, QtGui.QColor(138, 226,  52 , 0).rgba())    # Chameleo 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(30, QtGui.QColor(115, 210,  22 , 0).rgba())    # Chameleo 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(36, QtGui.QColor( 78, 154,   6 , 0).rgba())    # Chameleo 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(42, QtGui.QColor( 23,  42,   4 , 0).rgba())    # Chameleo 4
#### Dialog line 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 1, QtGui.QColor(252, 175,  62 , 0).rgba())    # Orang 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 7, QtGui.QColor(245, 121,   0 , 0).rgba())    # Orang 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(13, QtGui.QColor(206,  92,   0 , 0).rgba())    # Orang 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(19, QtGui.QColor( 50,  25,   0 , 0).rgba())    # Orang 4

color_Dialog.setStandardColor(25, QtGui.QColor(114, 159, 207 , 0).rgba())    # Sky Blu 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(31, QtGui.QColor( 52, 101, 164 , 0).rgba())    # Sky Blu 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(37, QtGui.QColor( 32,  74, 135 , 0).rgba())    # Sky Blu 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(43, QtGui.QColor( 11,  21,  33 , 0).rgba())    # Sky Blu 4
#### Dialog line 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 2, QtGui.QColor(173, 127, 168 , 0).rgba())    # Plu 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 8, QtGui.QColor(117,  80, 123 , 0).rgba())    # Plu 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(14, QtGui.QColor( 92,  53, 102 , 0).rgba())    # Plu 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(20, QtGui.QColor( 23,  16,  24 , 0).rgba())    # Plu 4

color_Dialog.setStandardColor(26, QtGui.QColor(233, 185, 110 , 0).rgba())    # Chocolat 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(32, QtGui.QColor(193, 125,  17 , 0).rgba())    # Chocolat 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(38, QtGui.QColor(143,  89,   2 , 0).rgba())    # Chocolat 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(44, QtGui.QColor( 39,  25,   3 , 0).rgba())    # Chocolat 4
#### Dialog line 4
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 3, QtGui.QColor(239,  41,  41 , 0).rgba())    # Scarle Re 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 9, QtGui.QColor(204,   0,   0 , 0).rgba())    # Scarle Re 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(15, QtGui.QColor(164,   0,   0 , 0).rgba())    # Scarle Re 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(21, QtGui.QColor( 40,   0,   0 , 0).rgba())    # Scarle Re 4

color_Dialog.setStandardColor(27, QtGui.QColor( 52, 224, 226 , 0).rgba())    # FreeTea 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(33, QtGui.QColor( 22, 208, 210 , 0).rgba())    # FreeTea 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(39, QtGui.QColor(  6, 152, 154 , 0).rgba())    # FreeTea 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(45, QtGui.QColor(  4,  42,  42 , 0).rgba())    # FreeTea 4
#### Dialog line 5
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 4, QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255 , 0).rgba())    # Snow White

color_Dialog.setStandardColor(10, QtGui.QColor(238, 238, 236 , 0).rgba())    # Aluminiu 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(16, QtGui.QColor(211, 215, 207 , 0).rgba())    # Aluminiu 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(22, QtGui.QColor(186, 189, 182 , 0).rgba())    # Aluminiu 3

color_Dialog.setStandardColor(28, QtGui.QColor(136, 138, 133 , 0).rgba())    # Aluminiu 4
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(34, QtGui.QColor( 85,  87,  83 , 0).rgba())    # Aluminiu 5
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(40, QtGui.QColor( 46,  52,  54 , 0).rgba())    # Aluminiu 6

color_Dialog.setStandardColor(46, QtGui.QColor(  0,   0,   0 , 0).rgba())    # Je Black
#### Dialog line 6
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 5, QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255 , 0).rgba())    # Snow White
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(11, QtGui.QColor(255,   0,   0 , 0).rgba())    # Aluminiu 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(17, QtGui.QColor(  0, 255,   0 , 0).rgba())    # Aluminiu 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(23, QtGui.QColor(  0,   0, 255 , 0).rgba())    # Aluminiu 3

color_Dialog.setStandardColor(29, QtGui.QColor(255, 255,   0 , 0).rgba())    # Aluminiu 4
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(35, QtGui.QColor(255,   0, 255 , 0).rgba())    # Aluminiu 5
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(41, QtGui.QColor(  0, 255, 255 , 0).rgba())    # Aluminiu 6
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(47, QtGui.QColor(  0,   0,   0 , 0).rgba())    # Je Black
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(47, QtGui.QColor(  0,   0,   0 , 0).rgba())    # Je Black

#### Customize the colors to Dialog CustomColor (in hexadecimal converted in numeric mode)
# Use the Yellow tones for tools that create objects.
# Dialog line 1
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(0, QtGui.QColor( int("fc",16),int("e9",16),int("4f",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(2, QtGui.QColor( int("ed",16),int("d4",16),int("00",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(4, QtGui.QColor( int("c4",16),int("a0",16),int("00",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(6, QtGui.QColor( int("30",16),int("2b",16),int("00",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int

# Use the Blue tones for tools that modify objects
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(8, QtGui.QColor( int("72",16),int("9f",16),int("cf",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(10,QtGui.QColor( int("34",16),int("65",16),int("a4",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(12,QtGui.QColor( int("20",16),int("4a",16),int("87",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(14,QtGui.QColor( int("0b",16),int("15",16),int("21",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int

# Use the Teal tones for view-related tools
# Dialog line 2
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(1, QtGui.QColor( int("34",16),int("e0",16),int("e2",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(3, QtGui.QColor( int("16",16),int("d0",16),int("d2",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(5, QtGui.QColor( int("06",16),int("98",16),int("9a",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(7, QtGui.QColor( int("04",16),int("2a",16),int("2a",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int

# Use the Red tones for Constraint related tools
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(9, QtGui.QColor( int("ef",16),int("29",16),int("29",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(11,QtGui.QColor( int("cc",16),int("00",16),int("00",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(13,QtGui.QColor( int("a4",16),int("00",16),int("00",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(15,QtGui.QColor( int("28",16),int("00",16),int("00",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int

Color = color_Dialog.getColor()                                   # Color.name() extract the color in Hexadecimal mode (#ad7fa8)

if Color.isValid():

    print("hexadecimal         ", Color.name())                   # color format hexadecimal mode 16
    red   = int(str( Color.name()[1:3]),16 )                      # decode hexadecimal to int()
    green = int(str( Color.name()[3:5]),16 )                      # decode hexadecimal to int()
    blue  = int(str( Color.name()[5:7]),16 )                      # decode hexadecimal to int()

    print("Red   color decimal ", str( Color.name()[1:3]), red )  # color format hex to decimal
    print("Green color decimal ", str( Color.name()[3:5]), green )# color format hex to decimal
    print("Blue  color decimal ", str( Color.name()[5:7]), blue ) # color format hex to decimal

    print("Red   color decimal ", Color.red() )                   # extract the color RGBa with Qt (0 to 255)
    print("Green color decimal ", Color.green() )                 # extract the color RGBa with Qt (0 to 255)
    print("Blue  color decimal ", Color.blue() )                  # extract the color RGBa with Qt (0 to 255)
    print("Alpha       decimal ", Color.alpha() )                 # extract the color RGBa with Qt (0 to 255)

    print("Red   color float   ", Color.redF() )                  # extract the color RGBa with Qt (0.0 to 1.0) as FreeCAD
    print("Green color float   ", Color.greenF() )                # extract the color RGBa with Qt (0.0 to 1.0) as FreeCAD
    print("Blue  color float   ", Color.blueF() )                 # extract the color RGBa with Qt (0.0 to 1.0) as FreeCAD
    print("Alpha       float   ", Color.alphaF() )                # extract the color RGBa with Qt (0.0 to 1.0) as FreeCAD

    Color = ""