EM Bascule noeud trou FH

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EM FHPlaneAddRemoveNodeHole

Emplacement du menu
EM → FHPlaneAddRemoveNodeHole
EM (Aaddon)
Raccourci par défaut
Introduit dans la version
Voir aussi
EM FHPlane, EM FHNode, EM FHPlaneHole


L'outil FHPlaneAddRemoveNodeHole insère ou supprime des FHNodes ou FHPlaneHoles d'un objet FHPlane.

Noeuds ajoutés (bleu) et supprimés (rouge) d'un FHPlane, et un FHPlaneHole retiré du FHPlane (sans couper un trou dans le plan)


To remove one or multiple FHNode objects or FHPlaneHole objects from a FHPlane:

  1. Select all the EM FHNode objects or EM FHPlaneHole objects that you want to remove from the FHPlane (note that you need to expand the list of children of the FHPlane if you want to select these object from the tree instead of from the current 3D view).
  2. Press the EM FHPlaneAddRemoveNodeHole button, or press E then A keys.

To insert one or multiple FHNode objects or FHPlaneHole objects into a FHPlane:

  1. Select the EM FHPlane and all the EM FHNode objects or EM FHPlaneHole objects that you want to insert in the FHPlane.
  2. Press the EM FHPlaneAddRemoveNodeHole button, or press E then A keys.


You can also remove FHNode objects or FHPlaneHole objects from a FHPlane, and insert one or multiple FHNode objects or FHPlaneHole objects into a FHPlane at the same time. All FHNode objects or FHPlaneHole objects that already belong to a FHPlane will be removed from that FHPlane, while the others will be added to the selected FHPlane.


See also: FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

To add or remove FHNode or FHPlaneHole objects from a FHPlane via Python scripting, just add or remove the objects from the relevant properties of the FHPlane object. The PropertyList is monitored for changes, so the FHNode or FHPlaneHole will be handled as expected (change of color, etc.)