
From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 10:57, 12 June 2022 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)


Dans FreeCAD et dans cette documentation, un addon est un composant qui ne fait pas partie de l'installation de base mais peut être ajouté au système par certaines méthodes.

Différents types

Il existe environ trois types d'extensions:

  • Macros: petit bout de code en Python qui fournit un nouvel outil ou une nouvelle fonctionnalité dans un seul fichier se terminant par .FCMacro.
  • Ateliers: collections de fichiers Python qui fournissent des Gui Commands (outils) centrés autour d'un sujet particulier, par exemple, des outils pour concevoir des armoires ou des outils pour travailler avec l'architecture, ou des outils pour concevoir des bateaux, etc. Ces ateliers définissent généralement de nouvelles barres d'outils où des commandes sont placées sous forme de boutons.
  • Kits de préférence : kits de préférences d'utilisateurs. introduit dans la version 0.20


La méthode recommandée pour installer des addons est d'utiliser le Gestionnaire d'Addon.

Mais pour les macros et les ateliers, une installation manuelle est également possible :

Information for developers

If you have developed a macro or workbench, and want to see it included in the Addon manager, read how to do so on the repository pages: (FreeCAD-addons and FreeCAD-macros). If you add your macro to the Macros recipes page, there is nothing else to do, it will automatically be picked up by the Addon manager.

Python workbenches

For Python workbenches, you don't need any specific approval to have your workbench added to the Addon Manager. In addition, because your Addon is outside the FreeCAD source code, you can choose the license you want. If you request for your workbench to be added to the Addon Manager's default list (we will not add any new workbench without a request from its authors), either by asking so on the forum or by opening an issue on the FreeCAD-addons repository, your code will stay on your own git repository, we will just add it as a submodule to the FreeCAD-addons repository. Of course, before adding your workbench, we will take a look at it and make sure there is nothing potentially problematic with it. For more details about structuring your Addon, including information about metadata used by the Addon Manager, see Workbench creation.

C++ workbenches

If you develop a workbench in C++, it cannot be run directly by users and must be compiled first. You then have two options, either you provide precompiled versions of your workbench yourself, for the different operating systems, or you should request to have your code merged into the FreeCAD source code. For that, you should use the LGPL license (or a fully compatible license like MIT or BSD), and you must present your new tools to the community in the FreeCAD forum for review. Once your code has been tested and approved, you should fork the FreeCAD repository, if not done yet, create a new branch, push your code to it, and open a pull request so that your branch is merged into the main repository.