Surface Courbe sur maillage

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Surface Courbe sur maillage

Emplacement du menu
Surface → Curve on mesh...
Raccourci par défaut
Introduit dans la version
Voir aussi


Surface Curve on mesh... crée des segments de spline approximatifs par dessus un maillage sélectionné.

Si l'objet n'est pas un Maillage, mais une Forme ou une surface paramétrique, il doit d'abord être converti en un maillage à l'aide de {{Button|[[File:Mesh_FromPartShape.svg|16px] ] Mesh Tesselation}}.

Ces arêtes créées par dessus le maillage peuvent être utilisées pour recréer la surface de manière paramétrique en utilisant des outils tels que {{Button| Remplir entre les courbes limites} } et Sections.

Above left: mesh object with selected points on the surface. Above right: splines created by picking several points on the mesh. Lower left: a parametric surface reconstructed from the approximated splines, using Surface Sections.


  1. Sélectionnez dans le menu Surface → Curve on mesh....
  2. Étapes détaillées selon besoin.
  3. Définissez les options et appuyez sur OK.

After pressing Start, the context menu (right-click) in the 3D view shows various options beside Create.

  • Close wire: if at least three points have been picked, this option will be available to join the last point to the first point with a line.
  • Clear: it will erase the tentative points that have been picked on the mesh, and will allow you to pick new ones.
  • Cancel: it will erase the tentative points that have been picked, and will stop the picking operation. Press Start again to pick points once more.


(Editor: this information must be verified)

Wire section:

  • Snap tolerances to vertices: it defaults to 10 px; it indicates the minimum distance between one point and another when picking with the pointer.
  • Split threshold: it defaults to 45 deg; it indicates the angular deviation from one point in the mesh to another point necessary to create a new spline instead of extending the previous spline.

Spline approximation, if it is checked, it will create spline objects, otherwise, it will create simple straight line objects (polyline).

  • Tolerance to mesh: it defaults to 0.2. It is a parameter that takes into account the imperfections of the mesh; the smaller this number the more precise it will consider the mesh, particularly if it is a very fine mesh.
  • Continuity: it defaults to C2. It determines the continuity of the spline; it can be C0 (touching), C1 (tangent), C2 (curvature), and C3 (acceleration curvature).
  • Maximum curve degree: it defaults to 5. It determines the maximum degree of the spline to approximate the surface; it can be a value from 1 to 8.


  • DonnéesProperty: description de la propriété
  • VueProperty: description de la propriété

If Spline approximation is checked, the Curve on mesh tool creates a Part Spline (Part::Spline class) which is derived from the basic Part Feature (Part::Feature class), therefore it shares all the latter's properties.

In addition to the properties described in Part Feature, the Part Spline has the following properties in the property editor.



  • VueControl Points (Bool): it defaults to false; if set to true, it will show an overlay with the control points of the surface.