Console Python

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(Janvier 2020) FreeCAD a été initialement conçu pour fonctionner avec Python 2. Étant donné que Python 2 est en fin de vie, son développement futur se fera exclusivement avec Python 3, et la compatibilité avec les versions antérieures ne sera pas prise en charge.


La console Python est un panneau qui exécute une instance de l'interpréteur Python qui peut être utilisée pour contrôler les processus FreeCAD, ainsi que pour créer et modifier des objets et leurs propriétés.

La console Python de FreeCAD a une coloration syntaxique de base, capable de différencier avec différents styles et couleurs, commentaires, chaînes, valeurs numériques, fonctions intégrées, sortie texte imprimée et délimiteurs tels que des parenthèses et des virgules. Ces propriétés de la console peuvent être configurées dans l’éditeur de préférences.

The Python console showing messages when FreeCAD has just started.


For absolute beginners, see: Introduction to Python, and Python scripting tutorial.

See also: FreeCAD scripting basics, and Scripted objects.

The Python console can perform basic code completion when a dot is written after an object; it will show public methods and attributes (variables) of the current object (class), for example, obj.

The console is also able to show the documentation string of a particular function when the opening parenthesis is written, for example, function(

Example Python code that produces objects in the 3D view.

The Python console automatically loads some modules, and defines some aliases.

App = FreeCAD
Gui = FreeCADGui

Therefore these are equal



Right click on the Python console shows some commands:

  • Copy: stores the selected text in the clipboard for later pasting; it is disabled if nothing is selected.
  • Copy command: stores the selected command in the clipboard for later pasting; it is disabled if nothing is selected.
  • Copy history: copy the entire history of Python commands entered in this session.
  • Save history as: save the entire history of Python commands entered in this session to a text file.
  • Paste: paste previously copied text in the clipboard to the Python console.
  • Select all: selects all text in the Python console.
  • Clear console: erases all commands entered into the Python console. This is useful if the Python console is full of messages and previously entered commands that may be distracting when testing a new function. This is merely aesthetic, as this command doesn't delete existing variables nor clears the imported modules in the session.
  • Insert file name: opens a dialog to search for a file in the system, then it inserts the full path of the file. This is useful to test functions that process an input file, without having to write the entire name in the console, which is error prone. This command does not run the file, and does not import it as a Python module, it just returns the full path of that file.
  • Word wrap: wrap very long lines that exceed the horizontal dimension of the Python console.
