手册:在 3D 视图中导航

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话说 3D 空间

如果这是你第一次接触 3D 应用程序,则需要先熟悉一些概念。如果不是,你可以跳过这个部分,没有关系。

FreeCAD 的 3D 空间是欧几里德空间。它有一个原点和三个轴:X,Y 和 Z。如果从上面看你的场景,传统上,X 轴指向右边,Y 轴指向后面,Z 轴指向上方。在 FreeCAD 视图的右下角,您始终可以看到您正站在哪里查看场景。

三轴相遇的点是原点。这是所有坐标的值为零的点。对于任何给定的轴,沿一个方向移动将增加坐标值,而沿相反方向移动将减小坐标值。3D 空间中存在的每个对象的每个点都可以通过其(x,y,z)坐标定位。例如,坐标为(2,3,1)的点将位于 X 轴上的 +2 个单位,Y 轴上的 +3 个单位和 Z 轴上的 +1 个单位。


FreeCAD 3D 视图


可以使用鼠标,Space Navigator 设备,键盘,触摸板或它们的组合在 FreeCAD 3D 视图中导航。 FreeCAD 实现了多种导航模式,这些模式决定了三种基本视图操作操作(平移,旋转和缩放)的完成方式,以及如何选中屏幕上的对象。你可以从“首选项”屏幕访问导航模式,也可以直接右键单击 3D 视图上的任意位置。


模式 平移 旋转 缩放 选中
OpenInventor 按住鼠标中键 按住鼠标左键 滚动鼠标中键 按住 CTRL + 拖动 按住鼠标左键
CAD (默认) 按住鼠标中键按住鼠标右键 + CTRL 键 按住鼠标中键然后左键按住鼠标右键 + SHIFT 键 滚动鼠标中键按住鼠标右键 + CTRL + SHIFT 键 点击鼠标左键
Blender 按住 SHIFT + 按住鼠标中键按住鼠标左键和右键 按住鼠标中键 滚动鼠标中键 点击鼠标左键
触摸板 按住 SHIFT + 拖动触摸板(鼠标)指针 按住 ALT + 拖动触摸板(鼠标)指针 向上翻页 / 向下翻页 点击触摸板(鼠标)左键
手势 拖动 点击鼠标右键 拖动 点击鼠标左键 滚动鼠标中键 点击鼠标左键
OpenCascade 按住鼠标中键 按住鼠标中键然后右键 滚动鼠标中键 点击鼠标左键



  • CTRL +CTRL - 放大和缩小
  • 箭头键可左/右和上/下移动视图
  • SHIFT +向左箭头SHIFT +向右箭头将视图旋转90度
  • 数字键0到6对应七个标准视图:轴测,前、上、右,后、下、左
  • ‘’‘O’‘’ 会将相机设置为正交模式
  • 而 ‘’‘P’‘’ 将其设置为透视模式
  • 按住 ‘’‘CTRL’‘’ 将允许您选择多个对象或元素

These controls are also available from the View menu and some from the View toolbar.

Using the Navigation Cluster

In the default setup, there is a Navigation Cluster in the upper right corner of the 3D display. This may be used to rotate the displayed object by a fixed amount, reset the display to one of several standard views, and change the display mode.

When using the navigation cluster, a control point will turn light blue when the pointer is hovering over a sensitive area. If the area below the pointer does not change color, clicking on it will have no affect. As of this writing (v0.18), there are some registration issues which prevent all parts of some control points from being active.

Clicking on a face will switch the view to that face; clicking on a corner will switch to an view with that corner pointing towards you.

Clicking one of the four triangles will rotate the view 45 degrees in the indicated direction. Clicking one of the two curved arrows at the top will rotate the view 45 degrees in the indicated direction around a line pointing towards you.

The navigation cluster may be moved to any part of the 3D display by dragging. The drag (left) mouse button must be pressed inside the cube itself to initiate a drag. The structure will not begin moving until the pointer is dragged outside the cube.

There is a smaller mini-cube in the lower right of the cluster which activates a drop-down menu allowing you to switch the viewing mode.

Selecting objects

Objects in the 3D view can be selected by clicking them with the corresponding mouse button, depending on the navigation mode (described above). A single click will select the object and one of its subcomponents (edge, face, vertex). Double-clicking will select the object and all its subcomponents. You can select more than one subcomponent, or even different subcomponents from different objects, by pressing the CTRL key. Clicking with the selection button on an empty portion of the 3D view will deselect everything.

A panel called "Selection view", available from the View menu, can also be turned on, which shows you what is currently selected:

You can also use the Selection View to select objects by searching for a particular object.

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Manual:The FreeCAD Interface
Manual:The FreeCAD document
Manual:The FreeCAD document