Translations:Wikihouse porting tutorial/28/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
  1. Create a copy of your wire-like object with Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V. This is so we can modify it but still keep one in its correct location
  2. Move and rotate it so it lies in the XY plane, using Draft Move and Draft Rotate. This is not indispensable, but the next point sometimes fails otherwise
  3. Use Draft Draft2Sketch to turn the wire into a sketch. Be warned, this can fail or take a very long time for huge wires. It is best to decompose your object into individual wires as shown above.
  4. If the command above fails, using Draft Upgrade twice on a wire-like object, to convert it to a Face then to a Draft Wire, before using Draft Draft2Sketch, usually works better, because the Draft Wire keeps a better track of the order of vertices inside a wire.
  5. Curves are made of several small segments. They can be left as is, but they introduce a lot of endpoint constraints. It is better to replace them by arcs. It is fairly easy to do, just delete the small segments and replace them by an arc. The arc can then be made tangential to the neighbouring segments, but make sure the position of those segments is locked before doing this, as this operation will make them move.
  6. If you worked with several sketches, make a Part Compound of them
  7. Create an Arch Panel from it
  8. Rotate/move it back into position with Draft Move and Draft Rotate