Translations:Release notes 0.13/22/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
  • Better constraining: When entering 3D points, besides the existing Shift-constraining, you can now constrain the movement in X, Y or Z direction by pressing the X, Y or Z keys. Pressing them again switches constraining off.
  • Draft <-> Sketch conversion: The Draft workbench now features a new Draft2Sketch conversion tool, that converts selected Draft objects (or any flat shape) to Sketches, and vice-versa.
  • Clone tool: Make copies of selected objects with this handy tool. When the original changes, the clone gets updated automatically. The clone can be moved, rotated, and also has a scale property that allows you to change the size of the copy.
  • SVG importer: The SVG importer now has much better support of bezier curves. Global definition of user units is now respected and the geometry is scaled properly to millimeter. Support for new elements such as ellipses rounded rectangles has been added. The parser has been reworked and now handles paths from Adobe Illustrator.
  • Curved corners: Several Draft objects (Wires, Rectangles and Polygons) now have a Fillet Radius property, which curves their corners by the given radius value.