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FreeCAD es una aplicación de modelado 3D de Código abierto de CAD/MCAD/CAx/CAE/PLM, orientada a la ingeniería mecánica y el diseño de producto pero también se ajusta a un amplio rango de usos cercanos a la ingeniería, como la arquitectura así como a otras especialidades de la ingeniería. Es un entorno de modelado basado en operaciones con una arquitectura de software modular que hace sencillo proporcionarle funcionalidades adicionales sin modificar el sistema principal.

FreeCAD está basado en OpenCasCade, un poderoso núcleo de geometría, un modelo de representación de escenas 3D basado en Open Inventor proporcionado por la librería Coin 3D, y un amplio entorno de programación integrado de Python. La interfaz está construida con Qt. FreeCAD se ejecuta exactamente del mismo modo en plataformas Windows, Mac OSX y Linux.

File:Right arrow.png Más información...

Key features

  • A complete OpenCasCade-based geometry kernel allowing complex 3D operations on complex shape types, and supports natively concepts like brep, nurbs, booleans operations or fillets
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    A modular architecture that allow plugins (modules) to add functionality to the core application. Those extensions can be as complex as whole new applications or as simple as python scripts or self-recorded macros
  • A full parametric model allowing any type of parameter-driven custom objects, that can even be fully programmed in python
  • Complete access from python built-in interpreter, macros or external scripts to almost any part of FreeCAD, being geometry creation and transformation, the 2D or 3D representation of that geometry (scenegraph) or even the FreeCAD interface
  • Import/export to standard formats such as STEP, IGES, OBJ, DXF, SVG, U3D or STL

In development

  • A Sketcher with constraint-solver, allowing to sketch geometry-constrained 2D shapes
  • A Drawing sheets module that permit to put 2D views of your 3D models on a sheet
  • A Robot simulation module that allows to study robot movements
  • A Rendering module that can export 3D objects for rendering with external renderers
  • An Architecture module that allows BIM-like workflow, with IFC compatibility.


The FreeCAD manual is a work-in-progress community effort to provide state-of-the-art documentation about using FreeCAD, and is already available in a couple of languages. It still lacks much information, so feel free to join and contribute!


About the development

Check the Development roadmap for news about what is being planned, the Changelog and Roadmap mantis pages to see the progresses towards next release, or the Project statistics for even more information about the FreeCAD codebase.

Source code

FreeCAD can be compiled using cMake or autotools, the subversion link is https://free-cad.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/free-cad/trunk and there are build instructions for Windows, Unix/Linux and MacOSX.

Help wanted

FreeCAD would benefit greatly from your help, for example by testing and reporting bugs. Another problem we have, is lack of people to build and test FreeCAD on Mac OSX. If you have a mac, please help us! You are also welcome to help translating FreeCAD in your language.