Assembly3 Contrainte longueur par ratio

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Assembly3 ConstraintLengthRatio

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Cet outil contraint la longueur d'une ligne 2D comme un segment non fractionné réalisé avec l'établi Draft par rapport à un plan de travail.

It links the length of the 2D line with the length of either another 2D line or a 3D line e.g. a straight edge element or a sketch line.

The length value of the first selected line equals the length value of the second line multiplied by a ratio value.

(Or the length value of the second selected line equals the length value of the first line divided by a ratio value.)


  1. Select two lines, of which at least one should be a 2D line.
  2. Press the Length ratio button.
  3. Set the Ratio value in the properties panel.
  4. Press the Solve constraints or the Quick solve button to recompute
(if Auto recompute and Smart recompute are disabled).