Assembly3 Contrainte de verrouillage

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Assembly3 ConstraintLock

Menu location
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


This tool links an object to the global coordinate system (GCS) of the assembly using the implicit coordinate system (ICS) of a selected element.

- If a vertex is selected the coordinates of its ICS are fixed relative to the GCS.
The object can still rotate around the vertex.
- If a (straight) edge is selected the coordinates of its ICS and the direction of its z-axis are fixed relative to the GCS.
The object can still rotate around the edge.
- If a face is selected the coordinates and the orientation of its ICS are fixed relative to the GCS.
The object is completely fixed to the GCS.

This can be used to define the fixed set in a static assembly as well as in a kinematic system.


  1. Place an object into an assembly.
  2. Select one element of the object.
  3. Press the Locked button.