
From FreeCAD Documentation
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Un comando de FreeCAD es lo que se ejecuta cuando presiona un botón de la barra de herramientas o escribe un método abreviado de teclado. Puede ser una acción muy simple, como cambiar el nivel de zoom de la vista 3D o rotar el punto de vista, o un sistema complejo que abrirá cuadros de diálogo y esperará a que el usuario realice tareas específicas.

Cada comando de FreeCAD tiene un nombre único, que aparece en la página Category: Command_Reference. Los comandos se pueden iniciar mediante un botón de la barra de herramientas, un elemento del menú o desde una secuencia de comandos de Python o la consola de Python, ejecutando:



FreeCAD commands are defined per workbench. Workbenches will normally add their command definitions at FreeCAD init time, so the command exists and is available as soon as FreeCAD is started, no matter if the corresponding workbench has been activated yet or not. In some cases however, the workbench author might have decided to not overload/burden the FreeCAD startup process and therefore loaded the command definitions only at workbench init. In those cases, the command will only be available after the workbench has been activated (you have switched to it at least once with the workbench selector).

As most of them require user interaction, FreeCAD commands are only available in GUI-mode, and not in console mode. However, for convenience, most FreeCAD commands will either have a corresponding python function (like Part.makeBox or Draft.makeLine), or will execute code that is very easy to replicate in a python script and/or macro.

Commands can be defined either in C++ or in Python.


Example of a C++ command definition (usually defined in /Mod/ModuleName/Gui/Command.cpp):


  : Command("Std_My_Command")
    sGroup        = QT_TR_NOOP("File");
    sMenuText     = QT_TR_NOOP("My Command");
    sToolTipText  = QT_TR_NOOP("Runs my command in the active document");
    sWhatsThis    = "Std_MyCommand";
    sStatusTip    = QT_TR_NOOP("Runs my command in the active document");
    sPixmap       = "MyCommand.svg";
    sAccel        = "Ctrl+A";

void StdCmdExport::activated(int iMsg)
    // place here the code to be executed when the command is ran

bool StdCmdMyCommand::isActive(void)
    // here you have a chance to return true or false depending if your command must be shown as active or inactive (greyed).

// the command must be "registered" in FreeCAD's command system
CommandManager &rcCmdMgr = Application::Instance->commandManager();
rcCmdMgr.addCommand(new StdCmdMyCommand());

and a similar command in python (no rule for where it must be done, each python workbench does as it sees fit...)

class MyCommand:

    def __init__(self):
        # you can add things here like defining some variables that must exist at all times

    def GetResources(self):
        return {'Pixmap'  : 'MyCommand.svg',
                    'Accel' : "Ctrl+A",
                    'MenuText': QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("My_Command", "My Command"),
                   'ToolTip': QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("My_Command", "Runs my command in the active document")}

    def Activated(self):
        # place here the code to be executed when the command is ran

    def isActive(self):
        # here you have a chance to return True or False depending if your command must be shown as active or inactive (greyed).

# the command must be "registered" in FreeCAD's command system