Instalarea sub Windows

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Cea mai usoara cale de instalare in Windows este de a descarca programul de instalare de mai jos.


Dupa ce fisierul .msi a fost descarcat, faceti dublu-click pe el pentru a incepe instalarea.

Mai jos sunt descrise optiunile de instalare. Daca pare complicat nu va ingrijorati! Cei mai multi utilizatori nu vor avea nevoie de nimic mai mult decat fisierul .msi si articolul Primii pasi!

Instalare Simpla Folosind Microsoft Installer

Cea mai usoara cale de instalare a FreeCAD in Windows este de a folosi programul de instalare de mai sus. Aceasta pagina descrie modul de folosire si caracteristicile programului Microsoft Installer pentru a accesa mai multe optiuni de instalare.

Daca doriti sa descarcati versiunea pe 64 de biti sau versiunea dezvoltata curent (instabila) vizitati pagina de descarcari.

Instalare de la Consola de Comanda

Folosind aplicatia msiexec.exe de la linia de comanda se pot accesa optiuni aditionale, precum instalare fara interventie sau instalare ca Administartor.

Instalarea Fara Interventie

Folosind comanda:

 msiexec /i FreeCAD<version>.msi

se poate initializa inatalarea. Parametri aditionali pot fi adaugati la sfarsitul liniei de comanda:

 msiexec /i FreeCAD-2.5.msi TARGETDIR=r:\FreeCAD25

Interfata Limitata

Numarul de ferestre de dialog prezentate utilizatorului poate fi controlat cu grupul de optiuni /q, astfel:

  • /qn - fara interfata
  • /qb - interfata rudimentara - o fereastra ce indica progresul
  • /qb! - precum/qb, dar fara butonul "renunta" (Cancel)
  • /qr - interfata redusa - prezinta toate ferestrele dar nu solicita interventia
  • /qn+ - precum /qn, dar arata mesajul "Completed" la sfarsit
  • /qb+ - precum /qb, dar arata mesajul "Completed" la sfarsit

Directorul Tinta

Proprietatea TARGETDIR determina locatia de instalare a FreeCAD. De exemplu o locatie se specifica folosind


Implicit TARGETDIR este [WindowsVolume\Programm Files\]FreeCAD<versiune>.

Instalarea Pentru Toti Utilizatorii



programul poate fi instalat pentru toti utilizatorii. Implicit, instalarea fara interventie instaleaza pachetul doar pentr utilizatorul curent iar instalarea interactiva ofera posibilitatea instalarii pentru toti utilizatorii (selectata implcit).

Selectarea Caracteristicilor

Un numar de caracteristici pot fi alese pentru instalare, reinstalate sau indepartate. Cracteristicile ce pot fi selectate pentru FreeCAD sunt:

  • DefaultFeature - instaleaza pachetul software si librariile tilizate
  • Documentation - instaleaza documentatia
  • Source code - instaleaza codul sursa
  • ... ToDo

In plus, optiunea ALL activeaza toate caracteristicile. Toate componentele depind de DefaultFeature, astfel ca instalarea oricarei alteia va instala si caracteristicile implicite. Urmatoarele variabile controleaza caracteristicile instalate sau inlaturate:

  • ADDLOCAL - lista componentelor ce vor fi instalate in sistem
  • REMOVE - lista componentelor ce vor fi inlaturate
  • ADDDEFAULT - lista componentelor adaugate in configurare implicita (local pentru toate caracteristicile FreeCAD)
  • REINSTALL - lista componentelor ce vor fi reinstalate/reparate
  • ADVERTISE - lista componentelor care se instaleaza public

Pentru restul de proprietati disponibile consultati documentatia MSDN disponibila on-line.

Pe baza celor spuse mai sus, adaugand


installs the interpreter itself and registers the extensions, but does not install anything else.



 msiexec /x FreeCAD<version>.msi

FreeCAD can be uninstalled. It is not necessary to have the MSI file available for uninstallation; alternatively, the package or product code can also be specified. You can find the product code by looking at the properties of the Uninstall shortcut that FreeCAD installs in the start menu.

Administrative installation


 msiexec /a FreeCAD<version>.msi

an "administrative" (network) installation can be initiated. The files get unpacked into the target directory (which should be a network directory), but no other modification is made to the local system. In addition, another (smaller) msi file is generated in the target directory, which clients can then use to perform a local installation (future versions may also offer to keep some features on the network drive altogether).

Currently, there is no user interface for administrative installations, so the target directory must be passed on the command line.

There is no specific uninstall procedure for an administrative install - just delete the target directory if no client uses it anymore.


 msiexec /jm FreeCAD<version>.msi

it would be possible, in principle, to "advertise" FreeCAD to a machine (with /ju to a user). This would cause the icons to appear in the start menu, and the extensions to become registered, without the software actually being installed. The first usage of a feature would cause that feature to be installed.

The FreeCAD installer currently supports just advertisement of start menu entries, but no advertisement of shortcuts.

Automatic Installation on a Group of Machines

With Windows Group Policy, it is possible to automatically install FreeCAD an a group of machines. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Log on to the domain controller
  2. Copy the MSI file into a folder that is shared with access granted to all target machines.
  3. Open the MMC snapin "Active Directory users and computers"
  4. Navigate to the group of computers that need FreeCAD
  5. Open Properties
  6. Open Group Policies
  7. Add a new policy, and edit it
  8. In Computer Configuration/Software Installation, choose New/Package
  9. Select the MSI file through the network path
  10. Optionally, select that you want the FreeCAD to be deinstalled if the computer leaves the scope of the policy.

Group policy propagation typically takes some time - to reliably deploy the package, all machines should be rebooted.

Installation on Linux using Crossover Office

You can install the windows version of FreeCAD on a Linux system using CXOffice 5.0.1. Run msiexec from the CXOffice command line, assuming that the install package is placed in the "software" directory which is mapped to the drive letter "Y:":

msiexec /i Y:\\software\\FreeCAD<version>.msi

FreeCAD is running, but it has been reported that the OpenGL display does not work, like with other programs running under Wine i.e. Google SketchUp.

Feature list
Install on Unix