Panneau des tâches

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The task panel appears in the Tasks tab of the combo view. It is a completely customizable space that is able to show any type of graphical widgets like collapsible sub-windows, tabs, tables, input fields, checkboxes, spinboxes, selector boxes, text boxes, buttons, labels, images, graphics, and other elements, depending on the currently active workbench, and the currently active tool.

File:FreeCAD Task panel.png

The task panel showing various options on the elmenets and constraints of a sketch.

Working with the task panel

A task panel normally opens automatically when a command that requires user input is activated. If the command doesn't need user input, the command will produce its result or fail, but won't open a task panel.

The user input may be anything such as text, 3D coordinates, certain elements from a list, or faces from a shape.

There are many commands that require selection of shapes or objects present in the document; for such cases the task panel will wait for the user to select the appropriate objects from the tree view or the 3D view. When a task panel is open, it is possible to switch to the Model tab to display the tree view to choose an object; once this is done, it is possible to switch back to the Tasks tab to proceed with the command. The task panel is usually closed by clicking an OK button to complete the command, or clicking a Close button or pressing the Esc key on the keyboard, to abort the command.

In particular, switching from the Tasks tab to the Model tab does not terminate the active command; the task will still be running in the background, so it is responsibility of the user to properly finish or abort the active command before starting a different task.
