Manual:Crearea de obiecte parametrice

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Revision as of 07:24, 3 September 2018 by Luc (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Toate clasele Python au de obicei o metodă __init__. Ceea ce este în interiorul acestei metode este executat atunci când clasa este instanțiată (ceea ce înseamnă că,...")

În capitolul previous chapter, Am văzut cum este creată geometrie Pieselor și cum este afișată aceasta pe ecran, atașând-o la un documente obeict "dumb" (non-parametric). Acest lucru este obositor când vrem să schimbăm forma acestui obiect. Va trebui să creăm o nouă formă, apoi să o atribuim din nou obiectului nostru.

Cu toate acestea, am văzut, de asemenea, în toate capitolele anterioare ale acestui manual modul în care obiectele parametrice sunt puternice. Trebuie doar să schimbăm o proprietate, iar forma se recalculează în timp real.

Pe plan intern, obiectele parametrice nu fac nimic diferit de ceea ce am făcut: ele recalculează conținutul proprietății Shape, în mod repetat, de fiecare dată când o altă proprietate a fost modificată.

FreeCAD oferă un sistem foarte convenabil pentru crearea a unor astfel de obiecte parametrice complet în în Python. Ele constau dintr-o clasă Python simplă, care definește toate proprietățile de care are nevoie obiectul și ce se va întâmpla când se schimbă una dintre aceste proprietăți. Structura obiectului parametric este la fel de simplă:

class myParametricObject:

  def __init__(self,obj):
    obj.Proxy = self
  def execute(self,obj):
    print ("Recalculating the shape...")
    print ("The value of MyLength is:")
    print (obj.MyLength)

Toate clasele Python au de obicei o metodă __init__. Ceea ce este în interiorul acestei metode este executat atunci când clasa este instanțiată (ceea ce înseamnă că, în argoul de programare, că un obiect Python este creat din această clasă). Înțelegem o clasă ca pe un "șablon" pentru crearea de copii în direct ale acestui șablon). Aici, în funcția noastră de inițializare (funcția __init__), facem două lucruri importante: 1 - pentru a stoca clasa însăși în atributul "Proxy" al obiectului în documentul nostru FreeCAD, adică documentul obiect FreeCAD va purta acest cod în sine și 2 - va crea toate proprietățile pe care le are obiectul nostru. Există multe tipuri de proprietăți disponibile, puteți obține lista completă introducând acest cod:


Then, the second important part is the execute method. Any code in this method will be executed when the object is marked to be recomputed, which will happen when a property has been changed. That is all there is to it. Inside execute, you need to do all that needs to be done, that is, calculating a new shape, and attributing to the object itself with something like obj.Shape = myNewShape. That is why the execute method takes an "obj" argument, which will be the FreeCAD document object itself, so we can manipulate it inside our python code.

One last thing is important to remember: When you create such parametric objects in a FreeCAD document, when you save the file, the python code above is not stored inside the file. This is for security reasons, if a FreeCAD file contained code, it would be possible for someone to distribute FreeCAD files containing malicious code that could harm other people's computers. So, if you distribute a file that contains objects made with the above code, such code must also be present on the computer that will open the file. The easiest way to achieve that is usually to save the code above in a macro, and distribute the macro together with your FreeCAD file, or share your macro on the FreeCAD macros repository where anybody can download it.

Below, we will do a small exercise, building a parametric object that is a simple parametric rectangular face. More complex examples are available on the parametric object example and in the FreeCAD source code itself.

We will give our object two properties: Length and Width, which we will use to construct a rectangle. Then, since our object will already have a pre-built Placement property (all geometric object have one by default, no need to add it ourselves), we will displace our rectangle to the location/rotation set in the Placement, so the user will be able to move the rectangle anywhere by editing the Placement property.

class ParametricRectangle:

 def __init__(self,obj):
   obj.Proxy = self

 def execute(self,obj):
   # we need to import the FreeCAD module here too, because we might be running out of the Console
   # (in a macro, for example) where the FreeCAD module has not been imported automatically
   import Part,FreeCAD
   # first we need to make sure the values of Length and Width are not 0
   # otherwise the Part.Line will complain that both points are equal
   if (obj.Length == 0) or (obj.Width == 0):
     # if yes, exit this method without doing anything
   # we create 4 points for the 4 corners
   v1 = FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,0)
   v2 = FreeCAD.Vector(obj.Length,0,0)
   v3 = FreeCAD.Vector(obj.Length,obj.Width,0)
   v4 = FreeCAD.Vector(0,obj.Width,0)
   # we create 4 edges
   e1 = Part.Line(v1,v2).toShape() # Warning. Since FC v0.17, use Part.LineSegment instead of Part.Line
   e2 = Part.Line(v2,v3).toShape()
   e3 = Part.Line(v3,v4).toShape()
   e4 = Part.Line(v4,v1).toShape()
   # we create a wire
   w = Part.Wire([e1,e2,e3,e4])
   # we create a face
   f = Part.Face(w)
   # All shapes have a Placement too. We give our shape the value of the placement
   # set by the user. This will move/rotate the face automatically.
   f.Placement = obj.Placement
   # all done, we can attribute our shape to the object!
   obj.Shape = f

Instead of pasting the above code in the Python console, we'd better save it somewhere, so we can reuse and modify it later. For example in a new macro (menu Tools -> Macros -> Create). Name it, for example, "ParamRectangle". However, FreeCAD macros are saved with a .FCMacro extension, which Python doesn't recognize when using import . So, before using the above code, we will need to rename the ParamRectangle.FCMacro file to This can be done simply from your file explorer, by navigating to the Macros folder indicated in menu Tools -> Macros.

Once that is done, we can now do this in the Python Console:

import ParamRectangle 

By exploring the contents of ParamRectangle, we can verify that it contains our ParametricRectangle class.

To create a new parametric object using our ParametricRectangle class, we will use the following code. Observe that we use Part::FeaturePython instead of Part::Feature that we have been using in the previous chapters (The Python version allows to define our own parametric behaviour):

myObj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::FeaturePython","Rectangle")
myObj.ViewObject.Proxy = 0 # this is mandatory unless we code the ViewProvider too

Nothing will appear on screen just yet, because the Length and Width properties are 0, which will trigger our "do-nothing" condition inside execute. We just need to change the values of Length and Width, and our object will magically appear and be recalculated on-the-fly.

Of course it would be tedious to have to type these 4 lines of Python code each time we want to create a new parametric rectangle. A very simple way to solve this is placing the 4 lines above inside our file, at the end, after the end of the ParametricRectange class (We can do this from the Macro editor).

Now, when we type import ParamRectangle , a new parametric rectangle will automatically be created. Even better, we can add a toolbar button that will do just that:

  • Open menu Tools -> Customize
  • Under the "Macros" tab, select our macro, fill in the details as you wish, and press "Add":

  • Under the Toolbars tab, create a new custom toolbar in the workbench of your choice (or globally), select your macro and add it to the toolbar:

  • That's it, we now have a new toolbar button which, when clicked, will create a parametric rectangle.

Remember, if you want to distribute files created with this new tool to other people, they must have the macro installed on their computer too.

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