Aelierul OpenSCAD

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 18:24, 5 August 2018 by Luc (talk | contribs)

Atelierul OpenSCAD este într-un stadiu timpuriu de dezvoltare.

Modulul OpenSCAD oferă interoperabilitate cu software-ul open source OpenSCAD.

An example of imported OpenSCAD geometry

It contains an importer which allows you to open the .csg output from OpenSCAD in FreeCAD.

The exporter outputs a CSG based (sub-)tree to .csg. Geometria care nu se bazează pe operațiunile CSG și este exportată ca o plasă. Modulul OpenSCAD conține un set de instrumente cu funcții de modificare a arborelui caracteristic și a modelelor de reparații.

Limbajul OpenSCAD și formatul fișierului

Limbajul OpenSCAD permite utilizarea variabilelor și a buclelor. Vă permite să specificați submodulele pentru a reutiliza geometria și codul. Acest grad ridicat de flexibilitate face analiza foarte complexă. În prezent, modulul OpenSCAD din FreeCAD nu poate suporta limbajul OpenSCAD nativ. În schimb, dacă este instalat OpenSCAD, acesta poate fi folosit pentru a converti intrarea într-un format de ieșire numit "CSG". Este un subset al limbajului OpenSCAD și poate fi folosit ca intrare în OpenSCAD pentru prelucrare ulterioară. În timpul conversiei, toate comportamentele parametrice sunt pierdute - toate numele variabilelor sunt aruncate, buclele extinse și expresiile matematice evaluate.

GUI Commands

Template:OpenSCAD Tools


OpenSCAD creates constructive solid geometry as well as importing mesh files and extruding 2d geometry (from dxf files). FreeCAD allows you to create CSG with primitives as well. The FreeCAD geometry kernel (OCCT) works using a boundary representation. Therefore conversion from CSG to BREP should, in theory, be possible whereas conversion from BREP to CSG is, in general, not.

OpenSCAD works internally on meshes. Some operations which are useful on meshes are not meaningful on a BREP model and can not be fully supported. Among these are convex hull, minkowski sum, glide and subdiv. Currently we run the OpenSCAD binary in order to perform hull and minkwoski operations and import the result. This means that the involved geometry will be triangulated. In OpenSCAD non-uniform scaling is often used, which does not impose any problems when using meshes. In our geometry kernel geometric primitives (lines, circular sections, etc) are converted to BSpline prior to performing such deformations. Those BSplines are known to cause trouble in later boolean operations. An automatic solution is not available at the moment. Please feel free to post to the forum if you encounter such problems. Often such problems can be solved be remodeling small parts. A deformation of a cylinder can substituted by an extrusion of an ellipses.


When importing DXF set the Draft precision to a sensible amount as this will affect the detection of connected edges.

If FreeCAD crashes when importing CSG, it is strongly recommended that you enable 'automatically check model after boolean operation' in Menu → Edit → Preferences → Part Design → Model setting



Mesh Module/ro
Part Module/ro